Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/588

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568 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 302-JUNE 28, 1944 [58 STAT. Miscellaneous expenses (other than salaries): For all authorized and necessary expenditures, other than salaries, of the National Labor Relations Board in performing duties imposed by law or in pursuance of law, including repairs and alterations; communication services; contract stenographic reporting services; lawbooks; books of ref- erence; and periodicals; $478,000. Printing and binding: For all printing and binding for the National Labor Relations Board in Washington and elsewhere, $220,000. Laborddisputes. Salaries and expenses (national defense): For all expenses neces- sary to enable the National Labor Relations Board to perform the duties imposed upon it by law or in pursuance of law in connection with disputes involving labor in industries under the national defense program, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and other items otherwise properly chargeable to appro- priations of the National Labor Relations Board for miscellaneous expenses and printing and binding, $600,000. Unfiled complaint No part of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used in any cas way in connection with a complaint case arising over an agreement, or a renewal thereof, between management and labor which has been in existence for three months or longer without complaint being filed Notice of agree- by an employee or employees of such plant: Provided, That, here- ment. after, notice of such agreement or a renewal thereof shall have been posted in the plant affected for said period of three months, said notice containing information as to the location at an accessible place of such agreement where said agreement shall be open for inspection by any interested person: Provided further, That these limitations shall not apply to agreements with labor organizations formed in 49 Stat. 452. violation of section 158, paragraph 2, title 29, United States Code. Salaries and expenses: For all expenses necessary to enable the National Labor Relations Board to perform the duties imposed upon 57 Stat. 163. it by the War Labor Disputes Act (Public Law 89, 78th Congress) 50 U. S. C., supp. Im, app. §i 1501-1611 . including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and other items otherwise properly chargeable to appropriations of the National Labor Relations Board for miscellaneous expenses and printing and binding, $225,000. Citation oftitle. This title may be cited as the "National Labor Relations Board Appropriation Act, 1945". National Mediation Board Appropriation Act, 1945. Post, pp. 859, 875. National Railway Labor panel Post,p. 869. a CF, Cun. Supp., 1250. TITLE V-NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD For three members of the Board, and for other authorized expendi- tures of the National Mediation Board in performing the duties imposed by law, including contract stenographic reporting services; supplies and equipment; not to exceed $200 for books of reference, and periodicals, $200,000, of which amount not to exceed $169,785 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. Salaries and expenses, emergency panels, and so forth, National Mediation Board: For all necessary expenses of the National Railway Labor panel, including compensation of the members thereof at not to exceed $50 per day and $6 per diem in lieu of subsistence on such days as they are actually engaged in performance of the duties of the panel; travel expenses of members of the panel, including such expenses to and from their homes or regular places of business; print- ing and binding; contract stenographic reporting services; and per- sonal services in the District of Columbia to enable the chairman of said panel to perform his functions under Executive Order Numbered 9299; $65,000. Arbitration and emergency boards: To enable the National Media- tion Board to pay necessary expenses of arbitration boards, and emer-