Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/810

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790 Infra. Federal unemploy- ment account. 49 Stat. 639; 53 Stat. 183,1396. 42 U. .C.. 1101- 1110; Supp. III , 1101 etweq.;26U.S.C. 5I 1600-1611; Supp. III, SI 1600, 1610, notes. Ante, p. 76. Ihfra. "Unemployment administrative expen- ditures. " 49 Stat. 626. 42U.S.C.§§501- 603 49 Stat. 639. 42U.S.C.§j1101- 1110; Supp. II, § 1101 g seq. 42U.S.C.§1103 note. Conditions for trans- fer of moneys. Findings by Social Security Board. Certification of amounts for transfer. Form of applications of State agencies. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 480-OCT. 3, 1944 [58 STAT. ance with certification made by the Board pursuant to section 1201, not exceeding the amount on deposit in the Federal unemployment account at the time of such transfer. "(h) There is hereby established in the Unemployment Trust Fund a Federal unemployment account. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated to such Federal unemployment account a sum equal to the excess of taxes collected prior to July 1, 1943, under title IX of this Act and under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, over the total unemployment administrative expenditures made prior to July 1, 1943; and there is hereby authorized to be appropriated to such account for the fiscal year 1945 and for each fiscal year thereafter (1) a sum equal to any excess of taxes collected in the preceding fiscal year under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act over the unemploy- ment administrative expenditures made in such year, and (2) such further sums, if any, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of title XII. Any amounts in the Federal unemployment account on October 1, 1947, and any amounts repaid to such account after such date, shall be covered into the general fund of the Treasury. As used in this subsection, the term 'unemployment administrative expenditures' means expenditures for grants under title II of this Act, for the administration of that title by the Board, and for the administration of title IX of this Act and of the Federal Unemploy- ment Tax Act by the Department of the Treasury and the Board. For the purposes of this subsection there shall be deducted from the total amount'of taxes collected prior to July 1, 1943, under title IX of this Act, the sum of $40,561,886.43 which was authorized to be appropriated by the Act of August 24,1937 (50 Stat. 754)." SEC. 402. The Social Security Act, as amended, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new title: "TITLE XII-ADVANCES TO STATE UNEMPLOYMENT FUNDS "SEC. 1201. (a) In the event that the balance in a State's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund on June 30, 1945, or on the last day in any ensuing calendar quarter which ends prior to July 1, 1947, does not exceed a sum equal to the total contributions deposited in the Unemployment Trust Fund under the unemployment compensa- tion law of the State during that one of the two calendar years next preceding such day in which such deposits were higher the State shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of subsections (b) and (c) hereof, to have transferred from the Federal unemployment account to its account in the Unemployment Trust Fund an amount equal to the amount by which the unemployment compensation paid out by it in the calendar quarter ending on such day exceeded 2.7 per centum of the total remuneration which was paid during such quarter and was subject to the State unemployment compensation law. "(b) The Social Security Board is authorized and directed, on application of a State unemployment compensation agency, to make findings as to whether the conditions for the transfer of moneys pro- vided for in subsection (a) hereof have been met; and if such condi- tions exist, the Board is directed to certify, to the Secretary of the Treasury. from time to time, the amounts for transfer in order to carry out the purposes of this title, reduced or increased, as the case may be, by any sum by which the Board finds that the amounts transferred for any prior quarter were greater or less than the amounts to which the State was entitled for such quarter. The appli- cation of a State agency shall be made on such forms, and contain such information and data, fiscal and otherwise, concerning the opera-