Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/811

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78TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 480-OCT. 3 , 1944 tion and administration of the State law, as the Board deems neces- sary or relevant to the performance of its duties hereunder. (c) Any amount transferred to the account of any State under this section shall be treated as an advance, without interest, to the unemployment fund of such State and shall be repaid to the Federal unemployment account from the unemployment fund of that State to the extent that the balance in the State's account in the Unemploy- ment Trust Fund, at the end of any calendar quarter, exceeds a sum equal to the total contributions deposited in the Unemployment Trust Fund under the unemployment compensation law of the State during that one of the two calendar years next preceding such day in which such deposits were higher. The Secretary of the Treasury shall, after the end of each calendar quarter, transfer from the unemployment account of each State in the Unemployment Trust Fund to the Fed- eral unemployment account the amount required to be repaid from the unemployment fund of such State at the end of such quarter under this subsection." TITLE V-PUBLIC WORKS SEC. 501. (a) In order to encourage States and other non-Federal public agencies to make advance provision for the construction of public works (not including housing), the Federal Works Adminis- trator is hereby authorized to make, from funds appropriated for that purpose, loans or advances to the States and their agencies and political subdivisions (hereinafter referred to as "public agencies") to aid in financing the cost of architectural, engineering and economic investigations and studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, procedures, and other action preliminary to the con- struction of such public works: Provided, That the making of loans or advances hereunder shall not in any way commit the Congress to appropriate funds to undertake any projects so planned. (b) Funds appropriated for the making of loans or advances here- under shall be allotted by the Federal Works Administrator among the several States in the following proportion: 90 per centum in the proportion which the population of each State bears to the total population of all the States, as shown by the latest available Federal census, and 10 per centum according to his discretion: Provided, That the allotments to any State shall aggregate not less than one-half of 1 per centum of the total funds available for allotment hereunder: Provided further, That no loans or advances shall be made with respect to any individual project unless it conforms to an over-all State, local, or regional plan approved by competent State, local, or regional authority. (c) Advances under this section to any public agency shall be repaid by such agency if and when the construction of the public works so planned is undertaken. Any sums so repaid shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. (d) The Federal Works Administrator is authorized to prescribe rules and regulations to carry out the purposes of this section. (e) As used in this section, the term "State" shall include the Dis- trict of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Transfer treated as advance. Repayment. Loans to States and their agencies. Proportional allot- ment. Aggregate. Conformity of Indi- vidual projects to plan. Repayment. Rules and regula- tions. "State. " TITLE VI-MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEc. 601. When used in this Act- (a) The term "executive agency" means any department, independ- " E xecu t e agen- ent establishment, or agency in the executive branch of the Govern- ment, including any corporation wholly owned by the United States. 791 58 STAT.]