Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/876

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 660 -DEC. 22 , 1944 other necessary expenses, and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence to persons serving while away from their permanent homes or regular places of business in an advisory capacity to the Commission with or without compensation from the United States. Po, p. 874. OFFICE OF WAR MOBIIZATION AND RECONVERSION OFFICE OF CONTRACT SETTrUMENT For all necessary expenses, fiscal year 1945, of the Office of Contract A, p.p. . ISettlement established by the Contract Settlement Act of 1944, includ- ing fees and expenses of witnesses; travel expenses, including (1) expenses of attendance at meetings of organizations concerned with the work of said office, (2) actual transportation and other necessary expenses, and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence of persons serving while away from their permanent homes or regular places of business in an advisory capacity to or employed by the Office of Contract Settlement without other compensation from the United States, or at $1 per annum, and (3) upon the approval of the Director of Contract Settlement, expenses to and from their homes or regular place of business in accordance with the Standardized Gov- vernment Travel Regulations, including travel in privately owned automobile (and including per diem in lieu of subsistence at place of employment), of persons employed intermittently away from their homes or regular places of business as consultants and receiving compensation on a per diem when-actually-employed basis; printing and binding; maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger auto- mobiles; purchase of lawbooks, books of reference, newspapers, and periodicals; contract stenographic reporting services; and personal services in the District of Columbia, $289,700. Po, P.874 FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1945, for pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, including the objects specified under this head in the Fed- At, p. 5sM. eral Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1945, and the pay, allowance, commutation of quarters, and uniform allowance of regular and reserve commissioned nurses, the number of regular commissioned nurses appointed to be in addition to the number of regular active commis- sioned officers otherwise authorized, and not to exceed fifty regular commissioned nurses may be appointed in grades above that of senior assistant and for purposes of pay and pay period shall be considered as having had on the date of appointment service equal to that of the junior officer of the grade to which appointed, $1,225,823. Uniform allowance: On request of the Federal Security Admin- istrator, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to transfer such amounts as may be necessary, but not to exceed a total of $300,000, from unexpended balances of appropriations for the Public Health 67 ta. 6. Service, fiscal year 1944, to an appropriation account to be established for the payment of allowances for uniforms to regular and reserve commissioned officers of the Public Health Service pursuant to section A, P.7. 607 of the Act of July 1, 1944 (Public Law 410). Emergency health and sanitation activities (national defense) : For an additional amount for emergency health and sanitation activities (national defense), fiscal year 1945, including the objects specified under this head in the Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act A* >P 1945, and including the purchase of thirty passenger automobiles, and the aforesaid appropriation together with the amount appropriated [58 STAT.