Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/330

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1250 Additional article. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. I note that Your Excellency's Government desires to renew this Agreement for a period of four years, the renewal to commence upon the termination of the present Agreement on July 31, 1944 and I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that this arrangement is agree- able to this Government provided the Agreenient is so amended as to include the following language as an additional article to the basic Agreement: "The members of this Mission are permitted and may be authorized to represent the United States of America on any commission and in any other capacity having to do with military cooperation or hemispheric defense without prejudice to this Agreement." I shall appreciate it if Your Excellency will inform me whether the. suggested amendment is acceptable to the Peruvian Government. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest considera-- tion. EDWARD R. ST'rmxTmus, Jr. Acting Secretary of State. His Excellency Sefior Don MANEL D] FlREim Y SANTANDEB, Ambassador of Peru. The PeruvianCharge d'Affaires ad interim to the Secretar/y of'State' PERUVIAN EMBASSY WASHINGTON 6, D.C. APRL 6, 1944,. YOUR EXCErLENCY: In reply to Your Excellency's note dated February 18, 1944 referring to the renewal of the Agreement signed by the Governments of Peru and the United States of America on July 31, 1940 providing for the assignment of a United States Naval Aviation Mission to Peru, I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that the Peruvian Government has taken note that this renewal is agreeable to the United States: Government and that it agrees to include the additional article sug-- gested in Your Excellency's note with the following ammendment: "during the present war emergency". In consequence the said article: would read as thus: "The members of this Mission are permitted and may be author- ized to represent the United States of America on any commission. and in any other capacity having to do with military cooperation. or hemispheric defense without prejudice to this Agreement, dur-- ing the present war emergency". The Peruvian Government also suggests that the period of the said: Mission would be for two years instead of four years from the date of the signing of the Agreement and that the following wording wouldi M Stat. 2355