Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/462

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Exemption of cer- tain aborigines. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. United States of America at Vancouver, British Columbia, or at such other point or points as may be acceptable to both Governments. ARTICLE V The provisions of this Agreement shall not apply to Indians, Aleuts, or other aborigines dwelling on the coasts of the waters defined in Article I, who carry on pelagic sealing in canoes not transported by or used in connection with other vessels, and propelled entirely by oars, paddles, or sails, and manned by not more than five persons each, in the way hitherto practiced, and without the use of firearms; provided that such aborigines are not in the employment of other persons or under contract to deliver the skins to any person. ARTcCLE VI "Pelagic sealing." The term pelagic sealing is hereby defined for the purposes of this Agreement as meaning the killing, capturing, or pursuing in any man- ner whatsoever of fur seals at sea. ABTrIE VII Special permits for scientific research. Imposition of re- strictions by U. S . Enactment of legis- lation. Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceding Articles of the present Agreement, either Party to this Agreement may grant to any of its nationals or agencies a special permit to take fur seals for purposes of scientific research subject to such restrictions as to num- ber and subject to such other conditions as the Party deems appropri- ate. Each Party shall at the end of each calendar year inform the other Party of the number of animals taken and the data obtained under such permits. ARTIrLE VIII Nothing contained in the present Agreement shall restrict the right of the United States at any time to suspend altogether the taking of sealskins upon the Pribilof Islands or any other islands or shores of the waters defined in Article I subject to its jurisdiction, or the right of the United States to impose such restrictions and regulations upon the total number of skins which may be taken in any season and the manner and times and places of taking skins as may seem necessary to protect and preserve the seal herd or to increase its numbers, pro- vided, however, that the two Governments will consult from time to time regarding the level of population at which the seal herd is to be maintained or other important phases of management or policy. ARTICLE IX Each of the Parties agrees to enact and enforce such legislation as may be necessary to make effective the foregoing provisions with ap- propriate penalties for violations thereof. The Parties further agree to cooperate with each other in taking such measures as may be appropriate for the enforcement of the fore- going provisions.