Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/489

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58 STAT.] MEXICO-PETROLEUM PROPERTIES-SEPT. 25, 29, 1943 companies named in the Joint Report of April 17, 1942, and also on behalf of the following companies not named in the said Joint Report: J. A. Brown, S en C., Green y Cia., Doheny, Bridge y Cia., Cia. Naviera Transportadora, S.A ., Cia. Petrolera Titania, S.A ., and Cia. Petrolera Mercedes, S.A . 4. The Government of Mexico releases all of the companies in- cluded in the preceding paragraph from all obligations which it may be entitled to exact from them, including unpaid taxes and fiscal charges and payments which the Government of Mexico has legally made, or has undertaken to make, for the account of such companies. The Government of Mexico also assumes responsibility for the satis- faction and settlement of all claims of a private character against such companies - including labor claims - which have been, or may be, determined to be valid by Mexican administrative or judicial tribunals. For this purpose, the Government of Mexico agrees to take such steps as may be necessary to substitute itself for any of the companies in actions which have been, or may be, instituted against them in such tribunals. 5. Before any payment is made by the Government of the United States to a company included in this agreement, such company shall deposit with the Department of State, for delivery to the Government of Mexico upon the payment by the latter of the final annual install- ment payable under this agreement, such documents and instruments of title as it may have in its possession evidencing its ownership of the affected properties, rights or interests. If the Government of Mexico concurs in the foregoing, it is suggested that this note and the Embassy's reply thereto be regarded as con- stituting the agreement between the two Governments as provided by Paragraph 16 of the Agreement effected by exchange of notes signed November 19, 1941. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. CORDELL HULL The Honorable Sefior Don RAFAEL DE LA COLINA, Minister Counselor, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Mexico. 1409 Release of desig- nated companies from obligations to Mexico. Claims of a private character. Payments to com- panies by U. S. Gov- ernment; prerequi- sites. .5 S lat. I.MW.