Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/635

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58 STAT.] MEXICO-FISHERIES MISSION Apr. 17, May 22, July 22,27, Oct. 24 ,1942 Sept. 7, Oct. 18, 1944 MEMORANDUM AGREEMENT At the request of the Mexican Government, Mr. Milton J. Lindner, an expert of the Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States Depart- ment of the Interior, was assigned to Mexico for varying periods during the years 1940 and 1941 for the purpose of conducting pre- liminary marine fishery surveys and formulating plans for a detailed scientific study of marine fishery problems. The preliminary inves- tigation having been completed, it is now proposed that a more com- prehensive cooperative study of the marine fisheries of Mexico be undertaken by the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Mexican Depart- ment of Fisheries, subject to the following understanding: It shall be the general objective of the cooperative study to formu- late through biological and statistical research a plan for the admin- istration, regulation, and scientific management of the shrimp and other marine fisheries of Mexican waters which will serve to increase the fishery food supply and protect it against depletion, increase the efficiency of fishing operations, and improve the livelihood of those engaged in the fishing enterprise. To accomplish this objective the Fish and Wildlife Service proposes to detail a technical expert to Mexico at various intervals over a period of two years to assist the local authorities in conducting and supervis- ing field investigations. The investigations will include a study of the life history, distribution, abundance, and migration of commercial shrimp and such other important marine fishery products as time and facilities will permit; collection and analysis of statistics of commercial production of the fishing industry; and a study of present fishing methods with a view to devising means for their improvement both in the interest of economy and efficiency of operation; and a study of the best means of conserving fishery resources, consistent with advan- tageous economic utilization. It is understood that exhaustive studies will not have been com- pleted at the end of the two year period, but it is expected that suf- ficient data will have been obtained at that time to make it possible to formulate plans for fishery administration and regulation, and pro- vide sufficient training for Mexican fishery workers to enable them to carry on the permanent biological and statistical studies that con- tinuously should accompany commercial fishing activities in the interest of scientific management and conservation. The Government of the United States will make available to the Mexican Government, from time to time, reports on the progress of the investigations, and as soon as possible after conclusion of the two year study will submit a comprehensive report covering: (a) The Scientific data obtained and the biological conclusions reached concerning the shrimp and other marine fishery resources of Mexican waters; (b) Suggestions for the administration, development and manage- ment of the Mexican marine fishery resources in the interest of con- servation and economic utilization; and (c) A summary of the nature and scope of continuing studies and Cooperative study proposed. General objective. Detail of technical expert proposed. Field investigations. Reports. 1555