Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/448

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the United States, and the disposition thereof, including all necessary expenses in connection therewith, as follows: Vessels, ships, boats, and other watercraft, including the hire and temporary use thereof, and equipage, supplies, materials, spare parts, and accessories, $666,912,000. Agricultural, industrial, and other commodities and articles, $1,805,228,000. Adminitrative e- (b) For administrative expenses, not specified or included in the P Ant, p. 416 . appropriation for "Salaries and expenses, Foreign Economic Admin- istration, 1946", $2,860,000. (c) In all, $2,475,000,000. consolidation o (d) Each of the foregoing appropriations shall be additional to, and consolidated with, the appropriations for the same purposes, contained in the same respective categories of appropriation in the 55 stat. 53, 7s. Defense Aid Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1941, the Defense Aid 56 stat. 130. Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1942, the Second Defense Aid Sup- 67 Stat.151 . plemental Appropriation Act, 1942, the Defense Aid Supplemental 68 Stat.s. Appropriation Act, 1943, and the Defense Aid Appropriation Act, Availability. 1945, and the appropriations contained in the foregoing Acts are Postwar pnoe sa- hereby continued and shall be available until June 30, 1946, except port ofgriulture. that $500,000,000 of the total amount thus made available shall be continued to be reserved for expenditure, as and when necessary, for Trnser of funds. the postwar price support of agriculture: Provided, That with the exception of the appropriation for "Administrative expenses", not to exceed 20 per centum of any of the foregoing appropriations may be transferred by the President to any other of such appropriations, but no such appropriation shall be increased more than 30 per centum thereby: Provided further, That notwithstanding the foregoing pro- viso (1) balances, unobligated as of June 30, 1945, and balances sub- sequently released from obligation, of appropriations contained in the foregoing Acts for "Ordnance and ordnance stores, supplies, spare parts, and materials, including armor and ammunition and components thereof", and for "Miscellaneous military equipment, supplies, and materials", may be transferred by the President to and consolidated with the appropriation provided above for "Agricul- tural, industrial, and other commodities and articles"; and (2) bal- ances, unobligated as of June 30, 1945, and balances subsequently released from obligation, of appropriations contained in the fore- going Acts for "Necessary services and expenses" may be transferred by the President to and consolidated with any of the appropriations provided above, except the appropriation for "Administrative expenses". Retention of de- EC. 202. Any defense article, information, or service procured from art l cleseta, by funds appropriated by this title or prior Acts appropriating funds to the President for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of 66 Stat. 31. said Act of March 11, 1941, as amended, shall be retained by or trans- 22 U. S. C., Supp. Irv, t4i1-4 8UPP ferred to and for the use of such department or agency of the United Anut, p. 62 . States as the President may determine, in lieu of being disposed of to a foreign government, whenever in the judgment of the President the defense of the United States will be best served thereby: Provided Subsidies on agril- further, That none of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used todts. for the payment of any subsidy on agricultural products produced in the continental United States nor for the purchase or distribution of any food products for use in Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. citation o tite S. .203. This title may be cited as "Defense Aid Appropriation Act, 1946". 430 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 271-JULY 5, 1945 [59 STAT.