Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/299

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TREATIES 45 Stat. 2567 . Ships in typhus-in- fected areas. ARTICLE XIII Article 42 (3) shall be deleted and the following substituted: (3) Other persons reasonably suspected to have been exposed to infection on board, and who, in the opinion of the sanitary author- ity, are not sufficiently protected by recent vaccination, or by a previous attack of smallpox, may be subjected to vaccination or to observation or to surveillance, or to vaccination followed by ob- servation or surveillance, the pe- riod of observation or surveillance being specified according to the circumstances, but in any event not exceeding 14 days, reckoned from the date of arrival of the ship. In Article 42 the following shall be inserted as the penultimate paragraph: For the purpose of this Article "recent vaccination" shall be taken as meaning evidence of successful vaccination not more than 3 years ARTICLE XII In Article 41 (4) and (5), before the word "disinsected" the words "disinfected and" shall be inserted. To Article 41 the following shall be added: The Contracting Parties will use their best endeavors to secure that ships trading with areas in- fected with typhus shall carry a sufficient quantity of an effective insecticide for the personal protec- tion of the- crew and passengers, and will give favorable considera- tion to the inoculation against typhus of all persons on board exposed to risk. ARTICLE XII A l'Article 41 (4) et (5) on fera preceder le mot "desinsectiser" des mots "d4sinfecter et". A l'Article 41, ajouter ce qui suit: Les Parties Contractantes s'ef- forceront d'obtenir que les navires faisant escale dans les r6gions con- taminees par le typhus soient munis d'une quantit6 suffisante d'un insecticide efficace pour la protection personnelle de l'6qui- page et des passagers; elles exami- neront favorablement la possi- bilite de faire vacciner contre le typhus toutes les personnes se trouvant A bord qui seraient ex- pos6es au danger de contamina- tion. ARTICLE XIII A l'Article 42 (3) substituer ce qui suit: (3) Toute personne que l'on suspecte, a juste raison, d'avoir ete expos6e a l'infection A bord et qui, de l'avis de l'autorit6 sani- taire, n'est pas suffisamment pro- tegee par une vaccination r6cente ou par une attaque anterieure de variole, peut etre soumise soit a la vaccination, ou A l'observation, ou A la surveillance, soit A la vaccination, suivie d'observation ou de surveillance, la dur6e de l'observation ou de la surveillance etant fix6e suivant les circons- tances, mais ne devant en aucun cas depasser quatorze jours Adater de 1'arrivee du navire. A lArticle 42, ajouter comme avant-dernier paragraphe: Pour l'application du present Article, l'expression "vaccination recente" sera consid6rde comme signifiant que preuve a 6et fournie 45 Stat. 2568. Smallpox. 964 [59 STAT.