Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/231

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THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 30, 33, 34, 35. 1814. 131 Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That all losses arising on any By what rules insurance, shall be adjusted by the president and directors agreeably l°“"“ “’isi"g QQ to the terms of the policy, and paid out of the joint funds and property Lrésggiiiggl me of the company. That the president and directors shall make a full and fair statement of the affairs of the company every six months, and a dividend of the profits. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That in case any action shall be What shall be prosecuted on any insurance made by virtue of this act, it shall be ;l§fv';'c°dS?m°‘?“t . . . e 0 notice deemed sufhcient service of such process to leave a copy thereof with to make the camthe president or secretary for the time being; and all recoveries had, P¤¤Yli¤l*l€· in any such action or actions, shall be conclusive on the company, so far as to render the stock and property of the company liable, and no further. Sec. 10. And be itfrrther enacted, That this act shall be and continue in force for and during the term of twenty years from and after the passing thereof, and until the end of the next session of Congress. Approved, March 9, 1814. Snrvrn II. CHAP. XXX.-~An Act for the relief of Isaac Clason. March 24, 1814. Be it enacted, &c., That there be paid to Isaac Clason, of the city (5,.,,;,,,;,, dutigg of New York, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury of the refunded United States, the sum of eighteen thousand nine hundred sixty-three dollars sixty-eight cents, in full of the sum of money which has been paid into the treasury by the said Isaac Clason, for duties on a cargo of sugar imported by him into New York, in August, one thousand eight hundred and five, from Havanna; which sugar he exported to Amsterdam in the ship Ambition, in the month of September then next following: Provided, That prior to the payment of the above mentioned sum of money to the said Isaac Clason, satisfactory proof be exhibited to the comptroller of the treasury, that the said cargo of sugar was landed in some foreign port or place. Approved, March 24, 1814. _ Sruurs I1. CHAP. XXXIII. —An ./2ct supplementary to an act entitled “An act for the relief Merch 28· 181* qf Thomas I/V2`ls0n.” _______ Be it enacted, <§·c., That nothing in the act to whichithis a sup- Account to bg plement shall be so construed as to prevent the accounting officers of mV5S6d_ the treasury department from inspecting and revising the account of Act¤fApril Thomas Wilson as settled by the accountant of the department of war. 8* 1812* °h‘52‘ Appnovmn, March 28, 1814. l"" Sntrura II. CHAP. XXXIV.-An Act for the relief of Mary Philzlp Le Duc. March 28, 1814. Be it enacted, &c., That the sum of six hundred dollars be paid out To bg paid {Or of any moneys in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to Mary his S€FVi¢€S as Philip Le Duc, as an additional allowance for his services as translator "a"s]8°°r‘ to the board of land commissioners at St. Louis, and as a full compensation therefor. Avpnovnn, March 28, 1814. —————- Surura II. CHAP. XXXV.-—-./An Act for the relief of Joshua Sands, late collector of the cus- March 28, ]8{4_ tomsfor the port Q/`l\@w York. i‘”_`_ Be it enacted, (Sw., That the accounting officers of the treasury cle- Aw,u,,,m be partment be, and they are hereby required, in liquidating and settling settled,and arethe accounts of Joshua Sands, late collector of the customs for the port dll “H°""’d· of New York, to allow him credit for the sum of twenty-nine thousand