Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/232

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]32 THIRTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. C11. 36, 40,41, 42. 1814. four hundred and seventy-even dollars and fifty-nine cents, being the amount of debentures paid by the said Sands on merchandise shipped to New Orleans between the first day of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and the tenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred. Amutovnn, March 28, 1814. S·n·ru·rs II. —··-··* March 28, 1814. CHAP. XXXVI.——.ln Act concerning Shawncelown. Sm, f,,,.,, ,0,,,,, Be it enacted, &c., That a tract of land not exceeding two sections, to be laid out. in the Illinois territory, adjoining Shawneetown, shall, under the directions of the surveyor-general, be laid off into town lots, streets, and _ avenues, and out-lots, in the same manner, under the same restrictions, 3€‘j%?g—2j’l":i,5 as are prescribed by the sixth section of the act entitled "An act pro- '`viding for the sale of certain lands in the Indiana territory, and for other purposes," approved the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ten. And it shall be the duty of the surveyor-general, or the person by him authorized to carry this act into effect, to select the two sections so as to extend the said town to the high lands in the rear of the town as it is now laid out. Lots to be of- $1:0.2. And be it further enacted, That the lots in said town shall tged M m?" be offered for sale at the same time, and on the same terms and condict of April . . . . . 30, 1810, ,,h_35_ tions as are provided by the sixth section of the before recited act. A1’PROVED, March 28, 1814. Srnvrr II. —~———- Marcl131, 1814. CHAP. XL.--dn Act for the relief of Samuel Ellis. jndemngsca. Be it enacted, nyc., That the secretary of the treasury be, and he ¤i¤n¤<> be al- is hereby authorized to allow Samuel Ellis, of the district of Maine, 1°w€d‘ who acted in the year one thousand eight hundred and eight as deputy marshal under Thomas G. Thornton, marshal of the said district, such indemnification as he, the said secretary, shall deem adequate, for damages which the said Samuel Ellis may have sustained in levying execution, in behalf of the United States, on a quantity of flour in the possession, and supposed to be the property, of a certain John Barton, against whom judgment was obtained by the United States. Spgcjpc ,,,,,,0, S1cc.2. And be it further enacted, That a sum not exceeding one pnaucn. thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for carrying this act into effect. Approved, March 31, 1814. S·rA·rv·rs I1. *"*" March 3i, 1814. Crum. XLI.—An Act for the relief of Joseph W Page. Penalty re- Be it enacted, &·c., That the secretary of the treasury be, and he is wiiwd- hereby authorized to remit the penalty incurred by Joseph WV. Page, of Charleston, South Carolina, as security in an embargo bond for Bernard Lallon, master of the brig Bcllona. Approved, March 31, 1814. Sa-u·u·rs II. -—--- March 31, 1814. Crm?. XLII.—-An Aclfor the relief riéEdwi·n CR Saltcr·whitc, [ale apurser of the ·""‘"""”" ornct. p,,, ,.,,·B ,,c_ Be it enacted, &e., That the secretary of the navy be, and he is herecount to be by authorized and required to adjust and settle the accounts of Edwin ¤°“l°d· T. Sntterwhite, late a purser of the United States} sloop of war Hornet, upon principles of equity and justice, and to make him such allowances as under the circumstances of his case shall appear reasonable. Approved, March 31, 1814.