Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/588

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488 TWENTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 86,87,88, 89. 1832. Srnnrz I. M3? l9» 183% Cru?. LXXXVI.-An Act for the relief of Prosper Madgny, Be it enacted, rfc., That the claim of Prosper Marigny be, and the Land claim same is hereby, confirmed to a tract of land on which he now resides, °°"m`m°d· situated on the river Mississippi, bounded above by lands of the wi. dow Bienveuu, and extending back to the river Des Ouatchas, and containing two thousand one hundred and thirty-nine French arpens; which tract of land the said claimant holds by sundry mesne convey- ances from Governor de Bienville, to whom it was granted by the Com- Pmvigg, pany of the Indias: Provided, That this act shall extend only to a relinquishment of title on the part of the United States, and shall not prejudice the rights of third persons. Armovsn, May 19, 1832. S·rn·u·rs I. '—' May 19, ;g32_ Cnr. LXXXV1`I.—An Act for the relirf ry" Arnaud Lanaax. Be it enacted, dj·c., That the title of Arnaud Lanaux be confirmed, in Lima me and to a certain·tract of land lying and being in the state of Louisiana, ¢¤¤H¤¤¤d- on the left bank of the Mississippi, about six leagues below the city of New Orleans, at a place called the English Turn, containing eight arpents front and forty arpents in depth, according to the survey made by B. Lafon, on the twenty-first of January, eighteen hundred and five, and which is recognised in a patent from the French Government, bearing date the fifth of March, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four, and which is recorded among the patented concessions of land, in book number one, at page one hundred and fifty-eight, in the Register’s office of the lands of the United States, at New Orleans, in the same manner and upon the same conditions, as if notice had been regularly filed with the Commissioners of the United States, and the same had been by Proviso. them confirmed : Provided, That this act shall only be construed as a relinquishment of the Government of all claim to said tract of land to Proviso. said claimant: And provided, also, That this act shall not operate against the claim of any other person to said tract of land. Aprmovnn, May 19, 1832. Srnrurs I. ---- Mw l9» W32- Cru?. LXXXVIlI.—An Act for the relief of Joseph Sonial Dafossat. Be it enacted, eye., That Joseph Soniat Dufossat be, and he is here- Land title by, confirmed in his title, to a certain tract of land situated in the par- °°“5'm°d· ish of St. Tammany, and state of Louisiana, it being a small island in Lake Pontchartrain, called Les Coquilles, which was granted by patent from the French Government of Louisiana, dated the second June, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two, to J. Desruissaux, described to be two leagues in length, and one and a half leagues in breadth: Pro- Proviso. vided, That this act shall be considered only as arelinquishment of title on the part of the United States, and not to prejudice the rights of third persons. Approved, May 19, 1832. Srarurs I. ·———~— Mw l9» 1832- CHAP. LXXXIX. —·An Act for the reliq` of John H. Thomas, claiming wnder _'"""""""` Antoine Palin. Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the legal representatives of Antoine Patin, Lund claim claiming a tract of land in the county of Attakapas, in the state of Loui- °°“H"“°‘l· siana, situated on the east side of Bayou Teche, and numbered one thousand one hundred and fourteen in the report of the Commissioners for the adjustment of land titles in the western district of Louisiana, be, and the same are hereby, confirmed in them to the quantity of land