Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/733

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TWENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Ssss. I. Ch. 73, 74, 75, 78, S3. 1836. 633 Smruu: I. Crm?. LXXIII.-dn Act for the relief of Joseph WT Wormstead of Marble- May 14, 1836. head, master and owner of the schooner Sally, and the crew of said vessel. """`°"" Be it enacted, &c., That the collector of theport of Marblehead, in the state of Massachusetts be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to Allowancetoa Joseph W. Worinstead and the crew of the schooner Sally, which was f°h“"€°°l*°°¤°* lost, at sea, to be distributed according to law, the same allowance or °m"°°°` bounty as they would have been entitled to receive if the said vessel had arrived in port after having completed her fishing term, and complied with all the requirements of law necessary to secure such bounty. Ammovuu, May 14, 1836. Snrnrn I. CHAP. LXXIV.—An Act for the relizf of1’eter Dozetalor and Jacob Weaver. May 14, 1836. Be it enacted, <$~c., That the Secretary of War be authorized and required to place the names of Peter Doxtator and Jacob Weaver, on To be placed the list of revolutionary pensioners, and pay to each of them the sum of °¤ P°¤¤l°¤ lu'- eighty dollars, per annum, commencing on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and to continue during their natural lives. Approved, May 14, 1836. Srurarz I. CHAP. LXXV.-—An dot for the relief of Melancthm Taylor Wooltey. May 14, 1836, Be it enacted, ¢§~c., That there be retained from the pay of Melanctlron Taylor Woolsey, a captain in the navy of the United States, one Que-third of third part of the amount thereof, and no more, from the time of the ll": P°g'd*° l’°., passage of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty-Eve, 'um" regulating the pay of the navy, until the amount of arrears due from - Act of March said Woolsey to the United States shall be discharged; any act or part 3· l835· ****-27- of an act to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, May 14, 1836. STATUTE I. Cr-rn. LXXVHI.—An det for the relief of the representative of Robert Jouet, May 20, 1836. deceased. " _"`“ Be it enacted, rfc., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- Five yearn' sury do settle the claim of James W. Boulden, representative of Robert {!1lll>¤Y°l`? b Jouet, deceased, a lieutenant of the Virginia line, on continental estab- gggxgft ° ° lishment, in the revolutionary army, and to allow him live years’ full Aetot July 2, pay of a lieutenant of infantry of the said line. 1836»°h·274· Approved, May 20, 1836. Szrusvn I. CHAP. LXXXHI.—An Act for the relief of Silas Fisher, a Choctaw Indian. May gg, ]g36_ Be it enacted, ¢§·c., That the location of the reservation secured to Silas Fisher, by the second article of supplement to the treaty of Dane- Location of ing Rabbit creek, concluded with the Choctaw Indians, on the twenty- réeservation coneighth day of September, eighteen hundred and thirty, and recognised "“°d· by the act of Congress, of the thirteenth of February, eighteen hundred ACt,,;Fe;,_ 13. and thirty-tive, which has been located on the north half of section fill 1835, ch.20. teen, and the south half of section ten, township twenty-four, range eight west of the north-western district of the state of Mississippi, be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and a patent may issue, as in other cases, agreeably to said treaty. Approved, May 28, 1836. 80