Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/812

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712 TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS Sess. H. Ch. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. 1838. S·n·rv·r1¤ ll, APM 20, ]838_ Cun. LX.—An Alctfor the relief of John Wilson. `_; Be it enacted ¢§·c., That the proper accounting officer pay, out of any _ payment to unappropriated money in the treasury, to John Wilson, such pay and

 emoluments as he is entitled to for. twenty-eight days' service as in-

‘ specter-general of division m the Missouri militia, then in the service of the United States, which service was performed by said Wilson between the twenty-second of July and the twenty-second of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. Approved, April 20, 1838. Srnrvrz II. W APU} 20; 1838· CHAP. LX1.—.»9n Act for tha relief of H. W. Russel. P1 mem { Be it enacted,.<§·c., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to H. W. ,-0,,,;; Pu,_°' Russel, late acting assistant quartermaster at Tallassee, out of any chased. money not otherwise appropriated, one thousand four hundred and ninety-six dollars and fifty-eight cents, for forage purchased by him at Tallassee, and issued for the benefit of the military service, between the fourth of May and the thirtieth of June, 1836. Approved, April 20, 1838. S*r.u·u·r;¤ II. """" April 20, 1838. Crux-. LXI1.—-An Act for the rc/iqf of James L. Kenner. Be it enacted, dce., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay, out of Payment fora any money not otherwise appropriated, to James L. Kenner, late a l‘°'“°· private in Captain Hargrave’s company of South Carolina mounted volunteers, in the service of the United States, in Florida, the value of a horse, of which he was owner, and had in said service; but-which horse, by the order of Brigadier-General Eustis, was turned over to the quartermaster at Tampa Bay, in April, eighteen hundred and thirty-six; which value shall be ascertained when said Kenner shall produce to the accounting officers of the treasury the original appraisal, or the aiiidavits of the appraisers as to the value they adjudged said horse to be. Approved, April 20, 1838. STATUTE 11. W April go, ]333_ Crux-. LX1I1.—.H·n. Act for the rcliqf of Freeman Brady. W Be it enacted, dw., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Freepayment {0, man Brady, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, eighty-two g33b8g12ga ¢>¤ dollars and seventeen cents, money due for work done on the Cumber- ,(,,,d_ ‘ land road cast of the Ohio. Avrnovnn, April 20, 1838. Srlvrurm II. '*""' April 920, 1838. CHAP. LXIV.·—-An Act for the relief of James Callan. Be it enacted, nyc., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to James Payment for Callan out of any money not otherwise appropriated, for his services as

 draughtsman in the General Land Ofliee for the month of May, eighteen

°hundred and thirty-four, such compensation as he received for the same services in the month of June following. Approved, April 20, 1838. Snrurs II. A,.,,.,i gg, ]g;;g_ CHAP. LXV.—-An Act for the relief of Ann W. Johnston. W Be it enacted, dye., That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Ann Payment tar a W. Johnston out of any money in the treasury not otherwise approl“"*‘° l‘·m°d· priated, one hundred and fifty dollars, the value of a horse killed in an engagement with the enemy, during the late war, at St. David’s in Upper Canada, the property of her late husband, a lieutenant in a company oflight dragoons in the service of the United States. A1’1'ROVBD, April 20, 1838.