1086 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 966-AUG. 14, 1946 [60 STAT. 1sstat. 110. as amended (31 U. S . C. 713), any unexpended balances of appropri- ations properly obligated by contracting with an organization as pro- vided in this subsection may remain upon the books of the Treasury for not more than five fiscal years before being carried to the surplus Research laborato- fund and covered into the Treasury. Research authorized under this subsection shall be conducted so far as practicable at laboratories of the Department of Agriculture. Projects conducted under contract with public and private agencies shall be supplemental to and coordi- uvailability of re- nated with research of these laboratories. Any contracts made pur- suant to this authority shall contain requirements making the results of research and investigations available to the public through dedica- tion, assignment to the Government, or such other means as the Secretary shall determine. Ante, p. 1082 . "(b) In order to carry out further the purposes of section 1, other than research on utilization of agricultural commodities and the products thereof, and in addition to all other appropriations author- Cooperative re- ized by this title, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for search with State ex- periment stations. cooperative research with the State agricultural experiment stations thorized. and such other appropriate agencies as may be mutually agreeable to the Department of Agriculture and the experiment stations concerned, the following sums: "(1) $1,500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, and each subsequent fiscal year. "(2) An additional $1,500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, and each subsequent fiscal year. "(3) An additional $1,500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, and each subsequent fiscal year. "(4) An additional $1,500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950, and each subsequent fiscal year. "(5) In addition to the foregoing such additional funds begin- ning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, and thereafter, as the Congress may deem necessary. Administrative ex "(C) The Secretary may incur necessary administrative expenses not to exceed 3 per centum of the amount appropriated in any fiscal 49Stat. 437 . year in carrying out this section, including the specific objects of 7 Us. C.C 427b. expense enumerated in section 3 of this title. " Speialreearch "(d)The'Special research fund, Department of Agriculture' pro- Agriculture." vided y section 4 of this title, shall continue to be available solely for 49 Stat. 437. 7U.t. c.§47c. research into laws and principles underlying basic problems of agri- culture in its broadest aspects; research relating to the improvement of the quality of, and the development of, new and improved methods of production of, distribution of, and new and extended uses and markets for, agricultural commodities and byproducts and manufactures thereof; and research relating to the conservation, development, and use of land and water resources for agricultural purposes. Such research shall be in addition to research provided for under other law (but both activities shall be coordinated so far as practicable) and shall be conducted by such agencies of the Department of Agriculture as the Secretary of Agriculture may designate or establish. Marketing research "SEC. 11 . Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, (1) not projects, less than 20 per centum of the funds authorized to be appropriated Ante, p. 1083 . under section 9 (a) shall be used by State agricultural experiment stations for conducting marketing research projects approved by the Cooperative re- Department of Agriculture, and (2) cooperative research projects pro- search projects. Ante, p. 1085; spra. vided for under sections 9 (b) (3) and 10 (b) shall be carried out under cooperative agreements between the Secretary of Agriculture and the cooperating agencies and shall include appropriate provisions for pre- venting duplication or overlapping of work within the State or States