Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1226

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INDEX Legislative Branch of the Government- Continued. Employees-Continued. Overtime, additional compensation in lieu, rates- ____---___-____- Pay rates, increase in ------------- Federal Expenditures, Nonessential, Joint Committee on Reduction of, appropriation for------------- _- Government Printing Office. See sepa- rate title. House of Representatives. See separate title. Internal Revenue Taxation, Joint Com- mittee on. See separate title. Joint Committee on Printing. See separatetitle. Legislative Counsel, Office of, appro- priations authorized------------- Appropriation for ------------- Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. See separate title. Library of Congress. See separate title. Overthrow of U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of per- sons advocating---------------- Pay rates and designation of positions not established under Legislative Pay Act of 1929 ------------- Reorganization. See Legislative Re- organization Act of 1946. Senate. See separatetitle. Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging, etc., in---------------- Vehicles, private, restriction on use of funds for maintenance -------- Legislative Counsel, Office of: Appropriations authorized ---------- Page 217 217 184 837 399 408 407 408 407 837 Appropriations for------------ 103, 104 , 399 Legislative Reference Service: Appropriations authorized------------ 836 Appropriations for---------------- 104, 402 Establishment, duties, appointment of personnel, etc ------------------- 836 Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946- 812 Adjournment, Congressional ---------- 831 Administrative assistants, employment authorized------------------- 834, 839 Appropriation authorized--------- - 834 Appropriations authorized---------- 834, 839 Appropriation for------

911 Appropriations committees, hearings and reports -


Bridge Act of 1946, General See sepa- rate title. Budget, legislative, report------ . - - - _- Concurrent resolution adopting------ Capitol space, survey and assignment of----........----------- ...... 80634°-47-PT. --- 76 833 832 833 839 XCIX Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946- Page Continued. Caucus rooms; remodeling of------- _ _ 838 Committee powers; hearings and inves- tigations--- ------------------ 831 Committee procedure; meeting days, record of action, etc------------- 831 Committee staffs- Appointments, duties, compensation, etc----------------------- 834,835 Compensation, appropriations avail- able------------------------ 835 Employees of existing Committees on Appropriations, continuance on rolls------------------------- 835 Limitations on appointments------- 835 Professional staff members, limita- tion on appointment to position in executive branch of the Gov- ernment--------------------- 835 Compensation of Members of Congress- 850 Comptroller General, studies by- Appropriation Acts, general, cost of complying with certain restric- tions, etc., report to Congress- 837 Expenditure analyses of Government agencies, report to designated committees------------------- 837 Conference rules on amendments in nature of substitute-------------- 832 Congressional Record, improvement of- 837 Contents, table of---------------- 812 Economic Report, Joint Committee on, time for filing report------------- 838 Effective date of specified provisions- 834, 839 Expense allowance; exemption from tax--------------------------- 850 Repeal of prior provision----------- 850 Hearings, committee, preservation of-- 834 Hearings, records, etc., separation of records ------------------------ 836 House of Representatives- Clerk, Office of the, authorization to incur certain expenses; charge to contingent fund--------------- 912 Committees, standing-------------- 822 Agriculture--------------------- 823 Appropriations--------------- 824 Studies and examinations of or- ganization, etc., of executive agencies, authorized------- 835 Armed Services---------------- 824 Banking and Currency---- ---- 824 Chairmen, election of------------ 823 Clerical staff------------------- 835 District of Columbia------------- 824 Education and Labor------------ 825 Expenditures in the Executive De- partments---------------- 825 Foreign Affairs------------------ 825 ---