Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1227

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INDEX Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946- Continued. House of Representatives-Continued. Committees, standing-Continued. House Administration---------- Contested-election cases, reports Interstate and Foreign Commerce_ Judiciary-.-- ---.--------- Meetings---------------------- Merchant Marine and Fisheries -- Post Office and Civil Service ----- Powers and duties-------------- Public Lands------------------ Public Works------------------- Reports of committees on desig- nated matters, leave to report- Restriction on meeting while House is in session--------------- Rules------------------------ 828, Reports from ----

Service of Members, limitation. - -- Un-American Activities---------- Vacancies, filling by election----- Veterans' Affairs---------------- Ways and Means ------------- Compensation ------------- ___---- Delegates and Resident Commis- sioner, service on designated committees as additional mem- bers ---------------- _-------. Private claims bills, references----- Rules- Rule X, amendment ----- .. . .-- Rule XI, amendment ----------- Rule XII, amendment---- .. . ---- Rule XXI, paragraph 3, amend- ment- ------------ --------- Select and conference committees, appointment by Speaker------- Legislative Counsel, Office of, appro- priations authorized ------------ Legislative oversight by standing com- mittee--------------- ..... ____ Legislative Reference Service, estab- lishment, duties, appointment of personnel, etc---- ----------- Appropriations authorized---------- Library, Joint Committee on, composi- tion of--------------------,-__ . Military and naval records, correction authorized---------

Pages, education of, reimbursement to D. C-------------------------- Appropriations authorized ------- .. Pay increase for certain Congressional officers--- - --- --- ---- --- --- Printing, Joint Committee on, compo- sition of---.---------------.--- Private bills banned- .. -- - ...-- .---- Provisions applicable to both Houses-- rage 825 830 826 826 830 827 824 823 827 828 829 832 829 829 823 828 823 829 829 850 830 830 822 823 830 830 823 837 832 836 836 838 837 839 839 834 838 831 831 Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946- Continued. Records of Congress ----..---

Regulation of Lobbying Act, Federal. See separatetitle. Reports respecting committee staff members; publication -------- Restaurants, remodeling of----------- Retirement pay of Members of Con- gress- Annuity, regulations respecting_- - - _ Refunds of deductions--------- Definitions---------------------- Deposit -------------------- ---- Notice in writing -----------_ _ --- - Rule-making power of Senate and House----------------------- Rules of Senate and House, changes in_ Senate- Appropriation bills, amendments to_ Committees, standing --------- __ __ Agriculture and Forestry -------- Appropriations -- __--

_ Ex officio members for consider- ation of certain annual ap- propriation bills----------- Armed Services---------

Banking and Currency---------- Civil Service ------------------ Continuance; power to act------ District of Columbia---- -------- Expenditures in the Executive Departments--------------- Finance----------------- _- -- _ Foreign Relations ------------- Interstate and Foreign Commerce- Judiciary--------------- _ _ _. _ -. Jurisdiction, decisions------------ Labor and Public Welfare -.-- _-- Public Lands -------- Public Works ------------ _.- Quorum -------------- __ _- _ Restriction on meeting while Senate is in session---------------- Rules and Administration -- __-- Service of Senators, limitation---- Compensation ---------------- Standing Rules of- Rule XVI, amendment-- _- -- - - Rule XXV, amendment - __ -_ __ - - Separability clause---______________- Speaker, Office of, annual appropriation authorized________ Tort Claims Act, Federal. See separate title. Transfer of functions ------- __- --- - Vice President, Office of, annual ap- propriation authorized------- ___ Lehigh River, Pa., flood-protection project authn.riedA I Page 833 832 838 851 851 852 850 850 814 814 821 814 815 815 821 815 815 816 820 816 816 817 817 817 818 832 818 819 819 820 832 820 820 850 821 814 814 834 838 834 644

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