Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/432

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 530 -JULY 1, 1946 $34,000: Provided, That any appropriations under the control of the Librarian of Congress may be expended without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U. S. C. 5) in any case when the total amount of the purchase involved does not exceed the sum of $100. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS TRUST FUND BOARD For any expense of the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board not properly chargeable to the income of any trust fund held by the Board, $500. Not to exceed ten positions in the Library of Congress may be exempt from the provisions of section 206 of the Independent Offices Appro- priation Act, 1947, but the Librarian shall not make any appointment to any such position until he has ascertained that he cannot secure for such appointment a person in any of the three categories specified in such section 206 who possesses the special qualifications for the particu- lar position and also otherwise meets the general requirements for employment in the Library of Congress. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WORKING CAPITAL AND CONGRESSIONAL PRINTING AND BINDING To provide the Public Printer with a working capital for the following purposes for the execution of printing, binding, lithograph- ing, mapping, engraving, and other authorized work of the Govern- ment Printing Office for the various branches of the Government: For salaries of Public Printer and Deputy Public Printer; for salaries, compensation, or wages of all necessary officers and employees addi- tional to those herein appropriated for, including employees neces- sary to handle waste paper and condemned material for sale; to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of law granting holidays and half holidays and Executive orders granting holidays and half holidays with pay to employees; to enable the Public Printer to comply with the provisions of law granting leave to employees with pay, such pay to be at the rate for their regular positions at the time the leave is granted; rental of buildings and equipment; fuel, gas, heat, electric current, gas and electric fixtures; bicycles, motor-pro- pelled vehicles for the carriage of printing and printing supplies, and the maintenance, repair, and operation of the same, to be used only for official purposes, including operation, repair, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use of the officers of the Government Printing Office when in writing ordered by the Public Printer; freight, expressage, telegraph and telephone serv- ice, furniture, typewriters, and carpets; traveling expenses, including not to exceed $3,000 for attendance at meetings or conventions when authorized by the Joint Committee on Printing; stationery, postage, and advertising; directories, technical books, newspapers, magazines, and books of reference (not exceeding $750); adding and numbering machines, time stamps, and other machines of similar character; pur- chase of uniforms for guards; rubber boots, coats, and gloves; machin- ery (not exceeding $300,000) ; equipment, and for repairs to machinery, implements, and buildings, and for minor alterations to buildings; necessary equipment, maintenance, and supplies for the emergency room for the use of all employees in the Government Printing Office who may be taken suddenly ill or receive injury while on duty; other necessary contingent and miscellaneous items authorized by the Public Printer; for expenses authorized in writing by the Joint Committee 405 Minor purchases. Post, p. 809. Citizenship require- ments, exemptions. Ante, p. 80 . Pos, p. 603 . Salaries, etc. Leave with pay. Machinery.