Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/516

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79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 543-JULY 8, 1946 the duty stations to which such personnel may be ordered, and current appropriations of the Naval Establishment available for travel and transportation may be used for this purpose. TRANSPORTATION OF THINGS For transportation of things (as defined by Budget-Treasury Reg- ulation Numbered 1) pertaining to the Navy (excluding Marine Corps and Coast Guard), $71,000,000. FUEL, NAVY For coal and other fuel for submarine bases and steamers' and ships' use, including expenses of storage and handling the same and the removal of fuel refuse from ships; maintenance and general operation of machinery of naval fuel depots and fuel plants; water for all pur- poses on board naval vessels, and ice for the cooling of water, includ- ing expense of transportation and storage of both; $45,000,000. NAVAL PROCUREMENT FUND For the purpose of settlement of war contracts under the Contract Settlement Act of 1944, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, advances by check or warrant and reimbursements to the Naval Procurement Fund from naval appropriations may be made on the basis of the estimated cost of a project without further accounting distribution of expenditures to the individual appropriations involved. BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT For equipment, supplies, maintenance, and operation of Medical Department activities ashore and afloat, including repairs, minor extensions, and improvements of buildings and grounds thereof (not to exceed $20,000 upon any building project of a permanent character), and compensation of employees; tolls and ferriage; necessary instruc- tion of personnel, including equipment; issuance of medical bulletins and information; laundry supplies and services; maintenance, opera- tion, and repair of motor-propelled busses; care of the dead as author- ized by law, including transportation; purchase of technical books and periodicals; optical supplies for naval personnel under regula- tions prescribed by the Secretary; and other necessary expenses, includ- ing care, maintenance, and treatment of patients in naval and other hospitals, as provided by regulation and for the manufacture or production of products by patients in naval hospitals and other naval medical facilities incident to their convalescence and rehabilitation, and ownership thereof shall be vested in the patients manufacturing or producing such products, except that the ownership of such items manufactured or produced specifically for the use of a naval hospital or other naval medical facility shall be vested in the Government and such items shall be accounted for and disposed of accordingly; $31,500,000. BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS MAINTENANCE, BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS For the labor, materials, supplies, and facilities necessary for the general maintenance of activities and properties under the cognizance of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, including accident prevention; contingent expenses and minor extensions and improvements of public Post, p. 619. 68 Stat. 649. 41 U. S. C., Supp. V, i 101 -125. Ownership of items produced by hbspital patients. 489 60 STAT. ]