Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/975

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 914-AUG. 8, 1946 [CHAPTER 914] August 8, 194 [H. R. 6918] [Public Law 694] Hawaii. Repair of facilities destroyed by seismic waves, etc. Appropriation au- thorized. Ante, p. 916. Maximum grant. Allocation from exsting appropriation Roads and bridges. Appropriation authorized. Ante, p. 914. AN ACT To provide emergency relief for the victims of the seismic waves which struck the Territory of Hawaii, and for other purposes. Whereas the Territory of Hawaii is suffering from the effects of violent seismic wvaves of extraordinary force and unexampled vio- lence which struck the Territory in April, 1946; and Whereas as a result of said seismic waves two hundred lives were lost and approximately $25,000,000 in damages caused to property; and Whereas the damage to Territorial and county piers, waterworks, sewer works, and other structures and facilities is estimated at $4,250,000; and Whereas a total of three hundred and ninety-seven homes and one hundred and sixty business concerns were completely destroyed, including furniture and personal effects, and nine hundred and sixty-one homes and forty business concerns were seriously dam- aged causing an estimated total loss of $18,000,000 and rendering over one thousand three hundred families homeless; and Whereas the devastation caused in the Territory has been so great as to make it impossible for the Territorial government or the Red Cross to give adequate relief in the emergency; and Whereas the Territory of Hawaii has indicated a willingness to assume one-half of the cost of providing emergency relief for the victims of the seismic waves and of aiding in the restoration and reconstruction of the devastated area: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of $1,300,000, to be immediately avail- able and remain available until expended, which shall be used in the discretion and under the direction of the Federal Works Administrator for the making of grants for the repair and reconstruction of any Territorial, county, or municipal structures or facilities, other than roads, highways, or bridges, damaged or destroyed by the seismic waves which struck the Territory in April 1946 (including but not confined to piers numbered 1 and numbered 2 at Hilo, the Hilo ship berths, the pavilion and hall of the Hawaiian Homes Commission at Hilo, the school buildings at Laupahoehoe, the waterworks and the sewer works at Hilo, and the county public parks), and for the removal of debris and other clean-up operations necessitated by said seismic waves: Provided, That no grant shall exceed 50 per centum of the cost of the work financed in part therewith as determined by the Admin- istrator: And provided further, That in the event that any amount shall be allocated pursuant to law out of any existing appropriation for any of the purposes herein specified, then the amount herein authorized to be appropriated shall be reduced by the amount so allocated. SEC. 2. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $10,000,000 to be expended by the Commissioner of Public Roads, Federal Works Agency, for the necessary rehabilitation or repair of roads highways, and bridges in the Territory of Hawaii, which he finds, after investigation, have been substantially damaged by the Army or the Navy, or both, or by any person or contractor employed by or contracting with the Army or Navy in the performance of con- tract work in connection with the prosecution of the war or national defense, and for the restoration or reconstruction of roads, highways and bridges on the system of Federal-aid highways or the system of 948 [60 STAT.