Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/479

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1568 Basis of acquisition. Reports. Licenses or assign- ments and contract rights. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES (60 STAT. ARTICLE IV Such acquisition by the Government of the United Kingdom will be effected on the basis of written requests submitted by any author- ized department or agency of the Government of the United States of America to the British Supply Council (or to such other agency of the Government of the United Kingdom as may be designated from time to time). Copies of all such requests will be furnished to the Office of Lend-Lease Administration. The British Supply Council will furnish to that Office reports as to all patent rights, information, inventions, designs, or processes obtained and transferred to the agency requesting the same and the acquisition cost thereof, if any. ARTICLE V In so far as is found practicable in the circumstances of each case, adequate licenses or assignments and contract rights shall be acquired by each Government, in accordance with the requests of the other Government, and transferred to the other Government. Where desirable each Government will sponsor necessary relationships and permit dealings between the original grantor and the ultimate user. It is contemplated that normally the rights obtained should, subject to the limitations contained in Article II of this Agreement, include, among other things: (a) The right to make, to have made, to use, and to dispose of, articles embodying the subject-matter of the patent rights, informa- tion, inventions, designs, or processes, so acquired, including the right to use and practice any of the aforesaid. (b) Provision for securing to the recipient Government or its designees all necessary personal expert services and supplementary information. (c) Permission to transfer, assign, license, or otherwise dispose of, any or all of the rights and privileges acquired, to the other Government, with further permission to the latter to transfer, assign, license, or otherwise dispose of any or all of the same to contractors, subcontractors, or other appropriate designees of the recipient Government, for war production purposes only. (d) The reservation on the part of the acquiring Government that it, and parties in interest holding under it, shall have the right at any time to contest the validity of any patent rights acquired. (e) Whenever practicable, a guarantee by the licensor or patentee as to the validity of his patent, in respect of which the license is granted, with an indemnity against any infringement claims. (f) Provision for the exchange of information, between the licensor or patentee and ultimate licensee, as to improvements or the results of research on the subject-matter of the license, together with the use of any patents which may be obtained in respect of such improvements, with a further provision that the like infor- mation and right to use additional patents shall simultaneously be furnished to both Governments.