Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/480

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1569 60 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-PATENT RIGHTS, ETC.-MA . 27, 1946 ARTICLE VI (a) Subject to the provisions of Article VII of this Agreement, the agIs emnmertain Government of the United Kingdom agrees and undertakes to indem- KbgIdom. d nify and save harmless the Government of the United States of America against all claims asserted by nationals of the United King- dom under any United States patents for the use of any method or process and for the manufacture, use, or disposition of any article, which method, process, or article was used, manufactured, or disposed of by or for the Government of the United States of America (1) for the purposes and to the extent set forth in Article II of this Agreement; or (2) in connection with the supply of articles to the Government of the United Kingdom under Lend-Lease or equivalent pro- cedure, including the manufacture, use, and disposal of articles so supplied; or (3) pursuant to a request made or authority given, for the pur- poses of the war, by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Government of the United States of America; provided always that the Government of the United States of America will, whenever in its judgment practicable, avail itself of any indemnity from a third party of which it shall have the benefit, in lieu of the indemnity from the Government of the United Kingdom contained in this Agreement. For the purposes of this paragraph (a) claims asserted by nationals of the United Kingdom under Title 35, Section 42, of the United States Code, 1940 edition, and Title 35, Section 90, 4 t of the United States Code, 1940 edition, Supplement IV, shall be con- 8 tt.1013. strued to be claims under patents; and for the purposes of this para- graph (a) claims asserted by nationals of the United Kingdom under any United Kingdom patents or registered designs against United States Government contractors or subcontractors shall be construed to be claims subject to indemnification by the Government of the United Kingdom in cases where the Government of the United States of America has agreed and undertaken to indemnify and save harmless such contractors or subcontractors against any liability resulting from the use of any patented invention or registered design. (b) Subject to the provisions of Article VII of this Agreement, the Government of the United Kingdom agrees and undertakes to indem- nify and save harmless the Government of the United States of Amer- ica against all claims asserted by nationals of the United King- dom, under any law of the United States of America for compensation for the use or practice of any unpatented inventions, information, designs, or processes furnished by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Government of the United States of America and used or practiced by or for the latter Government pursuant to the provisions of Article II of this Agreement, or for the use or practice AR tt . P 1687. of any unpatented inventions, information, designs, or processes by or in the manufacture, use, or disposition, by or for the Government