Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/501

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. Aviation signed at Chicago on Internationale sign6e A Chicago le December 7, 1944.[1] 7 d6cembre 1944. Disputes. 59 Stat. 1521 . Post, p. 1605. ARTICLE IX Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or its Annex, any dispute between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpre- tation or application of this Agree- ment or its Annex which cannot be settled through consultation, shall be referred for an advisory report to the Interim Council of the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization, in accord- ance with the provisions of Article III, Section 6 (8) of the Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on December 7, 1944, or its successor. ARTICLE X The present Agreement super- sedes the Provisional Agreement concluded between the two Con- tracting Parties by an exchange of notes signed February 1, 1946. The present Agreement shall in no way affect the provisions of the Agreement concluded be- tween the Belgian Congo Colony and a United States air carrier signed August 22, and Septem- ber 15, 1941, [2] or any amend- ments thereof. ARTICLE XI This Agreement and all relative contracts shall be registered with the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization set up by the Interim Agreement on Inter- ' [International Civi Aviation Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 1 to December 7, 1944, Final Act and Related Documents, Department of State publi- cation 2282, p. 85.] '[Not printed.] ARTICLE IX Sous reserve d'autres disposi- tions du present Accord ou de son Annexe, tout differend entre les Parties Contractantes relatif A l'interpretation ou a l'application du pr6sent Accord ou de son Annexe qui ne pourrait Atre regl6 par la voie de negociations directes sera soumis pour avis consultatif au Conseil Interimaire de l'Orga- nisation Provisoire de l'Aviation Civile Internationale conform6- ment aux dispositions de I'Article III, section 6 (8) de l'Accord interimaire sur l'Aviation Civile Internationale sign6 A Chicago le 7 d/cembre 1944 ou A l'organisme appelM A lui succ&der. ARTICLE X Le present Accord met fin A l'arrangement provisoire conclu entre les Parties Contractantes, par 6change de lettres le ler. f6vrier 1946. I1 n'affecte en rien les stipu- lations de l'accord conclu entre la Colonie du Congo Belge et une entreprise am6ricaine de trans- port aerien, sign6 le 22 aout et le 15 septembre 1941, non plus que des amendements qui y aurai- ent 6tW apportes. ARTICLE XI Le present Accord et tous les contrats y relatifs seront enregis- tr&s A l'Organisation Provisoire de 1'Aviation Civile Internationale institute par l'Accord Interimaire Registration of Agreement. 1590