Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/502

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60 STAT.] BELGIUM-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-APR. 5, 1946 national Civil Aviation signed at Chicago December 7, 1944, or its successor. sur l'Aviation Civile Internatio- nale, sign6 le 7 d6cembre 1944 A Chicago, ou A l'organisme appel6 a lui succeder. ARTICLE XII a) This Agreement, including the provisions of the Annex there- of, will come into force on the day it is signed. b) Either Contracting Party may at any time request consulta- tion with the other with a view to initiating any amendments of this Agreement or its Annex which may be desirable in the light of experience. If a multilateral air convention enters into force in re- lation to both Contracting Parties, such consultation shall take place with a view to amending the pres- ent Agreement or its Annex so as to conform to the provisions of such a convention. c) Except as otherwise pro- vided in this Agreement or its Annex, if either of the Contract- ing Parties considers it desirable to modify the terms of the Annex to this Agreement it may request consultation between the aeronau- tical authorities of both Contract- ing Parties, such consultation to begin within a period of sixty days from the date of the request. Any modification in the Annex agreed to by said aeronautical authorities shall come into effect when it has been confirmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes. d) When the procedure for a consultation provided for in para- graph b) of the present Article has been initiated, either Contract- ing Party may at any time give notice to the other of its desire ARTICLE XII a) Le pr6sent Accord et son Annexe entreront en vigueur A la date de la signature dudit Accord. b) Chacune des Parties Con- tractantes peut A tout moment demander a se consulter avec l'autre en vue d'apporter au pr6- sent Accord ou a son Annexe tout amendement qui, a l'experience, parattrait desirable. Si une con- vention a6ronautique multilat6- rale entre en vigueur entre les deux Parties Contractantes, une telle consultation sera de droit, a l'effet de mettre les clauses du Present Accord ou de son Annexe en concordance avec les disposi- tions de ladite Convention. c) Sous r6serve d'autres dis- positions du present Accord ou de son Annexe, si l'une des Parties Contractantes ne souhaite modi- fier les termes que de l'Annexe Ua present Accord, elle peut de- mander que la consultation ait lieu entre lea autoritds a6ronau- tiques des deux Parties Contrac- tantes, cette consultation devant commencer dans un delai de soi- xante jours A compter de la date de la demande. Toute modifi- cation a l'Annexe convenue en- tre lesdites autorites entrera en vi- gueur des qu'elle aura ete confir- m6e par un 6change de notes di- plomatiques. d) Une fois engag6e, la pro- cedure de consultation pr6vue au paragraphe b) du present Article, chaque Partie Contractante pour- ra A tout moment notifier a l'autre son d6sir de mettre fin au 59 Stat. 1516. Entry into force. Amendments. Modification of terms in Annex. Notice of desire to terminate Agreement. 1591