Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/590

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60 STAT.] VENEZUELA-MILITARY MISSION-JUNE 3, 1946 authorized representative in Wash- ington, and by the War Depart- ment of the United States of America. TITLE III representante autorizado en Wfsh- ington, y la Secretaria de Guerra de los Estados Unidos de Am6rica. TfTJLO III Duties, Rank and Precedence Deberes, Graduacikn y Precedencia ARTICLE 7. The personnel of the Mission shall perform such duties as may be agreed upon between the Ministry of War and Marine of the United States of Venezuela and the Chief of the Mission, it being understood that the mem- bers of the Mission shall, during the period that they are at the disposal of the Venezuelan Gov- ernment, act only as Instructors and that they shall not intervene in matters of command, disci- pline and administration of the Venezuelan Army, which matters are incumbent solely upon the military authorities of Venezuela. ARTfCULO 7. El personal de la Misi6n desempefiarh los deberes que convengan el Ministerio de Guerra y Marina de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela y el Jefe de la Misi6n, entendi6ndose que los miembros de la Misi6n, durante el periodo en que est6n a disposioi6n del Gobierno Venezolano, actua- ran s61o como Instructores y no intervendran en asuntos de co- mando, disciplina, y administra- ci6n del Ej6rcito Venezolano, asun- tos que incumben inicamente a las autoridades militares de Vene- zuela. ARTICLE 8. The members of the ABTfcuLo 8. Los miembros de Mission shall be responsible solely la Misi6n seran responsables sola- to the Ministry of War and Marine mente al Ministerio de Guerra y of the United States of Venezuela, Marina de los Estados Unidos de through the Chief of the Mission. Venezuela por conducto del Jefe de la Misi6n. ARTICLE 9. Each member of the ABTfcvLO 9. Cads miembro de Mission shall serve on it with the la Mision servira en ella con sl rank he holds in the United States graduaoi6n que tenga en el Ejercito Army and shall wear the uniform de los Estados Unidos y usara el of his rank in the United States uniforme correspondiente a su Army, but in view of the mission of graduaci6n en el Ejeroito de los instruction which they are to per- Estados Unidos, pero en vista de form they shall have precedence la tarea instructiva que le co- over Venezuelan officers of the rresponde cumplir, tendra prece- same rank, except in cases where, dencia sobre los oficiales vene- because of the importance of the zolanos de la misma graduaci6n, post held by the Venezuelan of- excepto en casoe en que, debido a fieer, Venezuelan military protocol la importancia del puesto ocupado provides for the contrary. por el oficial venezolano, el proto- colo militar venezolano disponga lo contrario. ARTICLE 10. Each member of ATafcuo 10. Cads miembro de the Mibon shall be entitled to all la Misi6n tendr&derecho a todos bnefits and privileges which the los benficios y privilegios que las ws and regulations of the Vene- ley y reglamentos del Ejroito 80684'-48 --4r. I--37 Benefts and pdvi- ieges. 1679