Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/832

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1923 60 STAT.] CZECHOSLOVAKIA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-JAN . 3. 1946 while within the territWry o the first party. ARTICLE 6. Each contracting party re- serves the right to withhold or revoke a certificate or permit to an airline of the other party in any case where it is not satisfied that sub- stantial ownership and effec- tive control are vested in nationals of either party to this Agreement, or in case of failure of an airline to comply with the laws of the State over which it operates as described in Article 5 hereof, or to perform its obligations under this Agree- ment. ARTICLE 7. This Agreement and all con- tracts oonnooted.thvrewith shall be registered with the Provi- sional International Civil Avis- tion Organization. ARTICLE 8. In the event either of the contracting parties considers it desirable to modify the routes or conditions set forth In the attached Annex, it may fCIm: 6. Kazda snluvni atrana *I vyhra- zuje privo kdykoliv odaltnouti nebo odvolati osvidseni nebe po- voleni leteckdan dopravnima pod- niku druhd saluvni atrany, neni- 11 pfesvddaena, Ie podstatni Cist vlastnioctv a skuteEnf do- zor tohoto podniak nalelI stAt- nia piselusinIkOa nekterd saluv- ni strany, jakol i tehdy, kdy letecky dopravni podnik nedbi zakonf pieletovandho statu, jak uvedeno shora v alinku 5o nebo neplnS zivazkA, Jei *n tato Dohoda uklida. CLLaN 7. Tato Dohoda a vo;kerd ialouvy

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