Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/833

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. request consultation between the competent authorities of both contracting parties, such consultation to begin within a period of sixty days from the date of the request. When the- se authorities mutually agree on new or revised conditions affecting the Annex, their re- commandations on the matter will come into effect after they have been confirmed by an ex- change of diplomatic notes. ARTICL 9. - Either contracting party may terminate this Agreement, or the rights for any of the services granted thereunder, by giving one year's notice to the other contracting party. ARTICLE 10. The provisions of this Agreement shall become opera- tive from the day it is signed. The Czechoslovak Government shall notify the Government of the United States of Ameri- ca of the approval of the Agreement by the President of the Czechoslovak Republic and the Government of the United obou smluvnich stran vstoupily v Jedndni, a to behem bedesati dnd ode dne, kdy zadost bude vznesena. Dohodnou-li se tyto urady vzdjemns o novych neb o zmlnenjch podminkach Pfilohy, nabudou pfislusna doporuceni ucinnosti, jakmile budou potvr- zena vfmenou diplomatickjch not. CLAnEK 9. Kaida z obou smluvnich stran mfze rozvazati tuto Dohodu, neb odvolati oprdvnenf ke kterekol doprave, ktera podle ni poskytla, da-li druhe strane vypovd s jedno- rocnf lhutou. CLLNEK 10. Ustanoveni teto Dohody budou proveditelna ode dne jejiho pod- pisu. Ceskoslovenska vldda oznami vladd Spojenych statt severoame- rickych souhlas presidenta Cesko- slovenske republiky s Dohodou a vlada Spojenfch statd severoame- rickjch bude pokladat Dohodu za definitivni ode dne, kdy Cesko- slovenska vlada ucini takoTv 1924