Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/875

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INDEX Montana-Continued. Crow Indian Reservation-Continued. Keiser, Wilbert, issuance of patent in fee authorized .-- --. ----. . .- _ Milliken, LeRoy, sale of allotment authorized .---............-- _ Othermedicine, Alice Yarlott, issu- ance of patent in fee authorized_ White, Alice Scott, sale of part of homestead land, authorized-- .. . Montgomery, Lyndon T., payment to-- - Montoya, Irene, payment to legal guardian of -----.------- __ . ..-. .-.-. ... Montoya, Tillie, payment to legal guardian of ------. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Montoya, Mrs. Vivian P., payment to ... Moore, Burgess C., payments to------- Moore, Edith Roberta, payment to---- . . Moore, Mrs. Millicent, payment to ----- Morgan, Dorothy, payment to--------- Morgan Creamery Company, Fargo, N. Dak., settlement of claim; appropria- tion for payment ----------------- Morris, William H., relief from liability; payment to----------------------- Moscow Agreement, 1945-------------- Mother's Day 1946, proclamation ------ Mount Desert Boat Yard, Inc., Mount Desert, Maine, payment to ------- Mufoz, Jose Villafafe, payment to------ Murphy, Alice A., payment to---------- Murray, Vance B., acceptance of foreign decoration by--------------------- Murrell, George W., payments to------- Murrell, Mamie W., payment to estate of_ Muskegon Trust Company, Muskegon, Mich., issuance to, of duplicate of Porterfield scrip certificate numbered 53, authorized--_--_------------- Mutual Aid, agreement with Union of South Africa respecting------------ Mutual Aid Settlement: Agreements with- Australia ---------------------- _ Great Britain----------------- 1525, India--- - - -- _-_--- -- _---

New Zealand -------------------- Turkey------------- . .. . .. .. . .. . . Muzzall, James Lemuel, payment to legal guardian of---------------------- Page 1128 1127 1128 1298 1200 1243 1243 1243 1322 1138 1317 1202 1164 1249 1899 1346 1172 1233 1116 1311 1135 1135 1320 1576 1707 1564 1753 1791 1809 1283 N Nahas, Adele, payment to------------- Nail, Claud, payment to ------------ Nail, Jess, payment to----------------- Napiorkowski, Felix, payment to-------- Nast, Mrs. Marie Edens, payment to---- National Farm Safety Week, 1946, proc- lamation------------------------- 80634--48- -PT . I - --55 1241 1167 1167 1313 1246 1846 National Maritime Day, 1946, proclama- tion---------------. . .. .. . ____ _.. Nations, Johnnie V., payment to ------- Naturalization: Kim, Peter, provision for ----------. _ Neumann, Gerhard (Master Sgt.), pro- vision for-------------------.-- Navy Department: Bayonne, N. J., conveyance at naval supply depot to American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corpora- tion---- .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. Duffee, Peter B. (Father), payment from appropriations for Medical Depart- ment of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery; treatment in naval, etc., hospitals ----.- -- -- -- -- .. ... .. . Niekum, Philip, Jr., pay and allowances authorized------------------ Navy Property and Installations, Surplus, in United Kingdom, agreement re- specting _--_---------------__- Neiffer, Mildred, payment to----------- Nelson, Clara, payment to------------ Nelson, O. T ., payment to------------- Nepple, Mrs. Marie, payments to------- Netherlands: International agreements other than treaties- European Coal Organization --- .. .. International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development -------- International Monetary Fund ----- Natural rubber ------------- United Nations Food and Agricul- ture Organization, constitution-- Treaty respecting sugar production and marketing, prolonging agreement of May 6, 1937 ----------------. Neumann, Gerhard (Master Sgt.), provi- sion for naturalization ------------ Neville, Nora R., admission for permanent residence----------------------- New Orleans Public Service, Inc., pay- ment to------------------------ New Zealand: International agreements other than treaties- Mutual aid settlement ----------. .- Telecommunications- ------------ United Nations Food and Agricul- ture Organization, constitution-- Newcomb, Corbin A., payment to legal guardian of ---------------- Newcomb, Walter R., Jr., payment to legal guardian of--------- ----------- Newcomb, Walter R., Sr., payment to --- Newfoundland, agreement respecting North American regional broadcast- ing ----------------.------------ 1967 Page 1344 1204 1288 1242 1195 1186 1222 1561 1145 1208 1208 1116 1517 1440 1401 1688 1886 1373 1242 1143 1133 1791 1636 1886 1270 1270 1270 1862