Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/876

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1968 Newman, Conrad, payment to -------- Nicaragua: International agreements other than treaties- Chapultepec, Act of------. -- - -- -- - Inter-American system ----------- United Nations Food and Agricul- ture Organization, constitution-- Treaty respecting Inter-American Cof- fee Agreement, modification and ex- tension ----------------------- Nicholas, Ivor E., payment to---------- Niekum, Philip, Jr., appointment as officer on the active list of the line of the U. S . Navy; pay and allowances---- Nieves del Valle, Fundador, payment to_ Noah, W. E., payment to------------ Nolan, John W., payment to----------- Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl, payment to- Normand, Ama L., payment to--------- Norris, Roy, payment to --- _-------- North American Regional Broadcasting, agreement respecting ------------- Norton, S. B., and Son, Dark Harbor, Maine, payment to-------------- Norway: International agreements other than treaties- European Coal Organization------ International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development--------- International Monetary Fund------ Liberated Norwegian territory, civil administration and jurisdiction in ------ ..- ...- ... .- --- - United Nations Food and Agricul- ture Organization, constitution- 0 Oates, William Edward, payment to es- tate of------------------------ Oatneal, Edward, payment to---------- . Oatneal, James R., payment to-------- Oatneal, John H., Jr., payment to--- ..- O'Brien, Mrs. Bessie, payment to----- O'Brien, Jane, payment to legal guardian of--------------------------- O'Brien, Will, payment to--------. .-- --. Offsetting Arrangement, agreement with Great Britain respecting ----------- Ogden, M. H., payment to --- _ -- -- - Ohio Valley General Hospital, Wheeling, W. Va., payment to--------------- Ohm, Clarence W., payment to-------- Olavarri, Cirilo, admission for permanent residence --- - -

- ----- ---- O'Malley, Jane, payment to ---------- INDEX Page 1319 1831 1847 1886 1359 1267 1222 1206 1142 1134 1232 1189 1168 1862 1172 1517 1440 1401 1581 1886 1286 1163 1163 1163 1238 1238 1238 1527 1114 1259 1314 1292 127( Omar, Hamsah, cancellation of proceed- ings requiring deportation of------ Osterhoff, Alfred, payment to--------- Othermedicine, Alice Yarlott, issuance of patent in fee authorized ----------- Overcash, Charles M., payment to estate of----------------------------- Owens, David, Jr., payment to legal guardian of------------------- P Padilla, Esequiel (Frank), payment to--- Padilla, Salomon, payment to legal guard- ian of -----

Palmisano, Anthony, Jr., payment to legal guardian of -------------------- Palmisano, Mrs. Lucy, payment to----- Palubicki, Anna, payment to ----------- Pan-American Week, proclamation----- Panama: International agreements other than treaties- Chapultepec, Act of-------------- Inter-American system ----------- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, constitution------ Panama, Gulf of, Maritime Control Area, discontinuance, proclamation ------ Paraguay: International agreements other than treaties- Chapultepec, Act of -

Inter-American system ----------- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development------------ International Monetary Fund----- Pardon, Granting of, to certain persons who have served in U. S . armed forces_ Parent, Madeline, payment to--------- Parker, Wayne, payment to------------ Parnell, Elizabeth T., payment to------- Parnell, Victor A., payment to--------- Parran, Thomas, acceptance of foreign decorations, authorized --------- Parrish, Edwin Doyle, payment to----- Patchell, William F., Jr., payment to --- Patent Rights, Information, Etc., Inter- change of, agreement respecting---- Patterson, Buford K., payment to ------ Patton, Mrs. Ollie, payment to--------- Paul, Mary G., consideration of claim. -- Payne, Clyde 0., payment to -------- Payne, Ernest D., payment to ------- Peace Treaties, Italy, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Finland, preparation of, Moscow Agreement, 1945------ Page 1237 1138 1128 1201 1237 1243 1243 1144 1144 1134 1342 1831 1847 1886 1347 1831 1847 1440 1401 1335 1262 1285 1217 1217 1310 1279 1295 1566 1167 1166 1193 1296 1167 1900