Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1001

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XX INDEX Boy Scouts, World Jamboree-Continued Page Transportation on vessel of Army Trans- port Service-------------------- 38 War Department, loan of equipment by; expense of delivery and return; bond------------------------- 37, 38 Boycotts. See under Labor Management Relations Act, 1947. Boysen Dam, Yellowstone Basin, appro- priation for----------_ -- - -- - -- -- _ 699 Bradley, Marcia Marie, appropriation for payment to---------------------- 183 Brandies, Beverage, blending of--------- 320 Bridges: Alteration of, appropriation for U. S . share of expenses -------------- 689 Cairo Bridge Commission, refunding of bonds--- --------------------- 311 Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Com- mission, consent of Congress to compact between Pennsylvania and New Jersey concerning__ -- - - ___ _ _ 752 Rock Island Bridge, Rock Island, III., appropriation for maintenance - - - 562 Time extended for bridging Rio Grande, at or near Rio Grande City, Tex- _ 728 Browning, Mont., Indian museum, appro- priation for support-- ------------ 465 Bruceton, Pa., appropriation for buildings and grounds, Bureau of Mines, De- partment of the Interior ----- ----- 482 Bryson City, N. C., clerk of U. S. District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of -------- __- - 304 Buchanan, P. R ., land, acquisition by Military Establishment, reduction in appropriation -----..- - - -- - - -- - -- . 22 Budget, Bureau of the: Appropriation for-------------- 28, 59, 586 Field, etc., offices outside D. C., limita- tion-------------------------- 586 Reports to Congress, Post Office Depart- ment apportionment of appropria- tions on quarterly basis, increase in --------------------- -- 701, 702 Sugar, control, etc., transfer of funds and personnel to Department of Agri- culture, determination of _ ------ _ 36 Bulgaria, Nationals of, extension of certain patent rights to------------------- 794 Butter: Allocations, extension of time limitation on provisions ----------------- 322 Process or renovated, appropriation for carrying out provisions of desig- nated Acts---__ _- ---- --- ---- --- 533 Butter Substitutes: Purchase by War Department, limita- tions-----_----_---------------_ 556 Purchase for St. Elizabeths Hospital, repeal of Act of July 12. 1943----- 450 C Cabaret Tax, war tax rates of certain mis- cellaneous taxes, continuance ----- _ Cable Facilities, Tax on, war tax rates of certain miscellaneous taxes, continu- Page 12 ance----------------------------- 12 Cache National Forest, Utah, acquisition of lands for, appropriation for ----- . 539 Cactus on Public Lands, authority for dis- posal by Secretary of the Interior -_ - 681 Cairo Bridge Commission, refunding of bonds -------------------------- 311 Caldwell, George, Estate of, payment to Menominee Indian Mills to credit of account of - ------------------- 455 Caldwell, Joe, Sr., payment to Menominee Indian Mills to credit of account of-_ 455 California: Albany, appropriation for construction of storage building for Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chem- istry, Department of Agriculture- _ 536 Anaheim Bay, availability of funds for erosion prevention----------- _ _ _ _ 187 Central Valley project, appropriation for -------------- _- 116,474,475,944 Fort Rosecrans, use of federally owned lands as national cemetery, author- ized------------------------ _- 742 Kern County, acquisition of land by Mil- itary Establishment, reduction in appropriation --------- _--------_ 22 Kings River project, appropriation for construction -------------------- 475 Klamath project, appropriation for__ 116, 474 Laguna Band of Mission Indians, issu- ance by Secretary of Interior of patent in fee-------------- --- 731 Long Beach, conveyance by Navy De- partment, authorized ----------- 399 Los Angeles, easement for construction, etc., of storm drain, conveyance by Navy Department, authorized -- 9 Los Angeles County, acquisition of land by Military Establishment, reduc- tion in appropriation -----------_ 22 Marine school, appropriation for main- tenance----------------------_ 604 Modoc National Forest, addition of cer- tain lands --------------------- 739 Monterey, acquisition of land, etc., for naval postgraduate school --- .. -- 705 Oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress granted to extension and renewal of interstate compact con- cerning ---------- __---------- 316 Pacific Marine Fisheries Compact, ap- proval of Congress -- ---- --- --- 419 ReDort ton OCntor h-. -~ ^ -»n;.-*- -4. 1

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