Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1018

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XXXVII Customs Duties-Continued Page Exemptions- Continued Newsprint paper, standard; defini- tion; time limitation ----------- 716 United Nations, members of armed forces of, articles for, termination date----------

917 Scrap iron, etc., suspension, termination date..---------------------- 917 Customs Tariffs, International Bureau for Publication of, appropriation for con- tribution --------------------- 113,283 D Dairy Industry, Bureau of. See under Agriculture, Department of. Damage Claims. See Claims. Dan River, dam authorized across, in Rockingham County, N. C- ----- --- 98 Daughters of the American Revolution, furnishing of steam by Federal Works Agency to designated property of-_- 39 Davis Dam Project, Ariz. - Nev., appropria- tion for construction ------------ 475, 944 Deadwood, S. Dak., clerk of U. S. District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of -------------- 304 Deaf, Columbia Institution for the, funds for -------------------------- 72,265 Decontrol Acts of 1947: First----------------------------- 34 Second --------------------------- 321 Appropriations authorized---------- 324 Appropriations for------ -------- 618, 619 Commerce, Secretary of, administra- tion by-------------------- 324 Personnel, reemployment of certain - 324 Decorations. See Medals, Decorations, Etc. Defense. See National Defense. Defense, Secretary of. See under Nation- al Security Act of 1947. Defense Highway Act of 1941: Damage claims under, appropriation for payment-------------------- 61, 61( Repeal of provisions relating to availa- bility for obligation of certain funds- 45( Defense Homes Corporation. See under Housing. Defense Housing. See under Housing. Defense Plant Corporation, plants, equip- ment, etc., certain, transfer of title to War or Navy Department --------- 774 Defense Transportation, Office of: Appropriation for------------ 16, 28, 61' Increase in limitation on amount---- 10, Commercial lines under operation of, payment of fees and taxes ------- 61: Subsistence to witnesses, certification re- nir;mnt __ _--- ---- ---- --- 61' Deficiency Appropriation Acts. See also Page Supplemental Appropriation Acts. Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1942, First, repeal of provision respecting suspen- sion of franking privilege report by Selective Service System----------- 450 Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1947, First_- 58 Agriculture, Department of, appropria- tion for; transfers between appro- priations----------------------- 65, 73 Architect of the Capitol, appropriation for---------------------------- 59 Budget, Bureau of the, appropriation for ------------------- -

59 Commerce, Department of, appropria- tion for; transfers between appro- priations --------------------- 66, 74 District of Columbia, appropriation for- 62 Emergency Management, Office for, ap- propriation for----------------- 59 Federal Security Agency, appropriation for; transfers between appropria- tions ------------------------ 60, 72 Federal Works Agency, appropriation for---------------------------- 61 Food and Drug Administration, appro- priation for -------------------- 60 Freedmen's Hospital, appropriation for- 60 General provisions------------------- 80 House of Representatives, appropriation for -------------------------- 58 Howard University, appropriation for-- 60 Independent offices, appropriation for-- 60 Indian Claims Commission, appropria- tion for------------------------ 61 Interior, Department of the, appropria- tion for------------------------ 66 Judgments and authorized claims, ap- propriation for------------------ 76 Judiciary, appropriation for --------- 59 Justice, Department of, appropriation for -------------------------- 67 Labor, Department of, appropriation for; transfers between appropria- tions------------------------- 67, 75 Legislative Branch of the Government, appropriation for -------------- 58,72 National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics, appropriation for -------- 61 National Mediation Board, appropria- tion for------------------------ 61 National Railroad Adjustment Board, appropriation for---------------- 61 Navy Department- Appropriation for -------------- - 67 Reductions in appropriations ------ 79 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons advocating------------------ 80 INDEX Ul---