Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1064

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INDEX Justice, Department of-Continued Page Prison System, Federal- Appropriation for--------- _ 111, 117, 292 Reductions . -- --- --- --- ---- _---_ 21 Transfer of funds to ----------- _ 117 Prison inmates, certain, additional de- ductions from sentences; payments from prison industries fund_____ 97 Prisons, Bureau of, appropriation for_ 117, 292 Prohibition Act, National, functions under, transfer to Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Treasury Depart- ment ------------------. --. . -- 951 Public Health Service, transfer of funds to.- -- - - -- - -._ ______._____ _____ 293 Reduction in designated appropriations_ 21 Solicitor General and Assistant Solicitor General, Offices of, appropriation for------------------ .- -- -- -- -- 289 Special attorneys, etc.- Appropriation for -------------- 117, 290 Reports to Congress--------------- 290 Salary limitation --------------- - 290 Stabilization of economy, etc., voluntary agreements. See Commodity Prices, Stabilization. State, Department of, matters under joint control, investigations------ 291 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc----------------- 306 Tax Division, appropriation for ---- 117, 289 Traveling expenses- Appropriation for----------- 111, 186, 289 Transfer of funds from appropriation for -------------------------- 186 Witnesses, appropriation for fees- - - 186, 290 Per diem restriction--------------- 294 Transfer of funds froml------------- 117 Justice, International Court of, United Nations and United States, dispute concerning interpretation or applica- tion of certain agreements, function of Court with respect to-------------- 764 K Kahului, Maui, Hawaii, conveyance by War Department, date of termination of emergency in interpretation of Act of June 19, 1936----------------- Kansas: Arkansas River compact, funds for nego- tiation of --------------------- Indians, appropriation for buildings and utilities ----------------------- Oil and gas conservation, consent of Congress granted to extension and renewal of interstate compact con- cerning ---------------------- 454 478 467 316 Kansas Basin, appropriation for Cedar Bluff Dam -------------- __ -- -- _ Kendrick Project, Wyo., appropriation for Page 699 116, 475 Kenduskeag Stream, Penobscot County, Maine, declaration as nonnavigable waterway ------- _- ---- ---- --- --_ 316 Kentucky, Otter Creek Recreational Dem- onstration Area, addition of surplus Federal lands--------------------- 174 Kern County, Calif., acquisition of land by Military Establishment, reduction in appropriation ----------------- ____ 22 Keyhole Dam, appropriation for -------- 699 Kinepoway, Louis, Estate of, payment to Menominee Indian Mills to credit of account of------------------------ 455 Kings Canyon National Park, appropria- tion for acquisition of lands -------- 485 Kings River Project, Calif., appropriation for construction ------------------ 475 Klamath Agency, Oreg., appropriation for support ----------------------- 116,469 Klamath Indian Reservation, Oreg., appro- priation for irrigation projects------- 467 Klamath Project, Oreg.-Calif., appropria- tion for ---------------------- 116, 474 L Labor, Agricultural. See Agricultural Labor. Labor, Department of: Apprentice Training Service, funds for 75, 262 Appropriation Act, 1948 - --.-- -.--- 260 Bacon-Davis Act. See separate title. Conciliation, ('omnlissioicrs of, funds for ---

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75, 261 Conciliation Service- Appropriation for -------------- __ 245 "Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service", applicability of term to, for designated period ---------- 153 Transfer of functions, etc., to Federal Mediation and Conciliation Serv- ice ----------------------- 153,615 Conferences, funds available for attend- ance at------------------------ 261 Contingent expenses, appropriation for- 261, 621 Cost-of-living study and report, appro- priation for--------------------. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. See separate title. Farm labor, domestic, cooperation in re- cruitment and placement.------. Health service program, appropriation for-------------

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