Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1065

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Labor, Department of-Continued Page Labor organizations- Affidavit by officers respecting non- affiliation with Communist Party, etc ----------- _--------_---- 146 Annual report, filing of ------------ 146 Questions concerning representation of employees, filing of constitu- tion, by-laws, and reports prior to action by National Labor Rela- tions Board ---- _------------_ 145 Labor Standards, Division of, funds for_ 75, 261 Labor Statistics, Bureau of- Appropriation for -------- _-- --_ 262, 700 Reductions ------------------- _ 21 Transfer of funds to------------- 75 Collective bargaining agreements, compilation, etc.; furnishing of information, etc., respecting set- tlement of labor disputes to Fed- eral Mediation and Conciliation Service ------------------ ____ 156 National War Labor Board, printing and binding, increase in limitation---- 67 Overthrow of U. S. Government, restric- tion on employment of persons advocating ---- __-- -__ --- -- -- __ 278 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for_- - 261, 621, 700 Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947. See sepa- rate title. Printing and binding, appropriation for_ 261, 621,700 Reduction in designated appropriations_ 21, 22 Reemployment rights, appropriation for rendering assistance in connection with exercise of----------------- _ 621 Reorganizations within Department and field, transfers of funds authorized; limitations --------------------- 264 Retraining and Reemployment Admin- istration, transfer of funds to appro- priation for -------- _--_-------- 75 Secretary- Office of- Appropriations for ------- 261, 621, 700 Reduction -----.


21 Transfers of funds------------- 75 Presidential succession ------------ 380 Promulgation of regulations, etc., under Walsh-Healey Act and Bacon-Davis Act-------------- 89 Selective Service System, functions and responsibilities of Personnel Divi- sion, transfer to Secretary -------- 32 Appropriation for expenses --. ---- _ 621 Solicitor, Office of, funds for -------- 75, 261 Strikes against U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc--.---.--------. 278 Labor, Department of-Continued r aee Transfers of funds, authorization; limita- tions -------- _--- --- --- __


264 Travel expenses- Appropriation for ---------------- 261 Availability of appropriation for at- tendance at conferences-------- 261 Reduction in appropriation--------_ 622 United States Employment Service- Appropriation for -------------- 262, 621 Transfer of funds to ------------- 75 Farm labor, domestic, cooperation in recruitment and placement ----- 55 Farm placement service, noninterfer- ence of continuance of farm labor supply program with --- _-----_ 55 Public employment offices- Administration, methods of, joint promulgation by Secretary of Labor and Federal Security Administrator----------.- - - 263 Joint budget, certain grants to States, submission authorized- 263 Veterans' housing, reduction in appro- priation ---------------------- _ 21 Wage and Hour Division- Administrator as promulgator of regu- lations, etc., under Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938-_------- 89 Appropriation for -------------- 263, 621 Transfer of funds to------------- 75 Wage Stabilization Board, National, salaries and expenses, reduction in appropriation ------------------- 22 Walsh-Healey Act. See separate title. Women's Bureau, funds for-- ------- 75, 263 Labor, Secretary of. See Labor, Depart- ment of. Labor Disputes. See Labor Management Relations Act, 1947; National Labor Relations Board; Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947. Labor-Federal Security Appropriation Act, 1948 ---------------. --- ----- -- _ 260 Grants to States, certain, charge to des- ignated appropriations ----- _---_ 108 Labor-Management Panel, National: Appropriation for------------------- 615 Creation, duties, compensation, etc ---- 154 Labor-Management Relations, Joint Com- mittee on: Appropriation authorized-----_- .---_ 161 Appropriation for --------------- . _ 611 Establishment, duties, report, etc-----. 160 Labor Management Relations Act, 1947-_ 136 Anti-trust laws, jurisdiction of district courts with respect to suits by and against labor organizations ------- 158 Boycotts and other unlawful combina- tions- ___ 1Q
