Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1080

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uN 1)'a XCIX National Security Act of 1947-Continued Army, Department of the- Compensation of Secretary, Under Secretary, and Assistant Secre- taries -------- ___________.._. Inclusion of United States Army in, etc -_- - --- __ _--__ ________- _ Central Intelligence Agency- Advisory committees and personnel, appointment, compensation, etc- Central Intelligence Group, termina- tion, transfer of personnel, prop- erty, etc - .-- --- ..----


Director, appointment, compensation, etc -------- _-_ _ ___ ___ ___ __- Duties ------. -- -- -- -- -- ___ _______ Federal Bureau of Investigation, in- formation relating to national security, availability to Direc- tor-------

____________ Termination of employment, author- ity of Director---------------- Chief of Staff, United States Army, Chief of Naval Operations, and Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, relative rank------------ Defense, Secretary of- Advisory committees and personnel, appointment, compensation, etc--------------__ __ __ ___ __ _ Appointment; duties -------------- Effective date ------ .- - ____ _- - Civilian personnel; special assistants_ Compensation --------- __-_____- - Military assistants to________ - --. Reports to President and Congress - Transfer of funds and equipment to Office of; availability; limita- tion ------ .- -- -- .-- -- -. .- - 703, Definitions --- __ -- -- ___ _- -_ __. _- -- - Effective date of provisions ---------- Funds, transfer of------------------- Joint Chiefs of Staff, establishment; duties ----- ___-- --- -- --- -- --- __ Joint Staff, establishment; duties --- Laws, orders, regulations, etc., applica- ble with respect to transferred func- tions, personnel, etc., effect------- Munitions Board- Composition --------------------- Duties -------------------------- Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board, termination, transfer of records and personnel, etc -_-.- National Military Establishment- Composition--_ _-- -

__--_- Establishment -------------------- Seal of office------------------- . Page 507 501 507 499 497 498 498 498 503 507 500 509 500 507 500 500 704 509 509 509 505 505 508 505 506 506 500 499 500 National Security Act of 1947-Continued Page National Security Council- Establishment, function, composi- tion, etc ---------------------- 496 Recommendations and reports to President -------------- _----_ 497 Staff ----------------.---------. 497 Transfer of funds and equipment; availability; limitation----_ _ _ 703, 704 National Security Resources Board- Advisory committees and personnel, appointment, compensation, etc_ 507 Establishment, composition, function, etc-------------------------- 499 Transfer of funds and equipment; availability; limitation ------ 703, 704 Navy, Department of the- Compensation of Secretary, Under Secretary, and Assistant Secre- taries ----------------------- 507 Continuance of existing organization for designated period of time---- 508 Inclusion of United States Navy in, etc----------- -------------- 501 Marine Corps -------------------- 502 Policy, declaration of________________ 496 Presidency, succession to, amendment of provisions ------------------- 509 Research and Development Board- Composition; purpose ------------- 506 Duties----------.. .-- ---------- - 507 Joint Research and Development Board, termination; transfer of records and personnel ---------- 507 Saving provisions -------------------- 08 Separability of provisions -----------. 509 Suits or other proceedings, nonabate- ment----..-------------------- 508 Transferred civilian personnel, status. _ 508 War Council, composition, functions--- 504 War Department, continuance of exist- ing organization for designated pe- riod of time--------------------- 508 National Security Council. See under National Security Act of 1947. National Security Resources Board. Sec under National Security Act of 1947. National Service Life Insurance, appro- priation for ---------------------- 606 National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, Amendments: Eligibility for insurance -----. -- -- --- - 5 Level premium term insurance-------- 5 Repeal of provisions respecting rein- statement -------------------- 6 Plans------------------------------ 5 National Training School for Boys, D. C., appropriation for----------------- 439 THATlilie IlN