Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1081

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National Training School for Girls, D. C.: Page Appropriation for ------------------- 438 Superintendent, salary rate ----------- 439 White girls, restriction on use of funds for--------------------------- 439 National Wage Stabilization Board, sal- aries and expenses, reduction in appropriation --

- 22 National War College: Appropriation for----------------- 552 Rescission -------------------- -- 572 National War Labor Board, increase in limitation for printing and binding-- 67 National Youth Administration, liquida- tion expenses, appropriation for----- 275 National Zoological Park, appropriation for -------------------------- 31,447 Nationality Act of 1940, Amendments: Copies of records, fees for furnishing_- - 240 Disabled individuals, naturalization pro- ceedings at places other than office of clerk or in open court in case of - 121 Metlakahtla Indians, Alaska, certifi- cates of citizenship ------------- 414 Photographic studio, operation for ben- efit of persons seeking to comply with requirements under immigra- tion and nationality laws -------- 97 Natural Gas Act, Amendment, right-of-way for pipe line, etc., acquisition by exer- cise of right of eminent domain ----- 459 Naturalization. See Citizenship and Nat- uralization. Navajo Indian Reservation: Buildings and utilities, appropriation for construction, etc --------------- 467 Gallup, N. Mex.-Window Rock, Ariz., appropriation for maintenance of portion of highway -------------- 468 Gallup-Shiprock Highway, appropria- tion for maintenance of portion of_ 468 Irrigation projects, appropriation for__ - 467 Sheep-breeding station, appropriation for.-------------------..--..- 466 Navajo Indians: Agreement with Department of the In- terior respecting certain lands, au- thorized ----- _-._-------------- 189 Emergency relief expenditures, advance to reimburse tribal sawmill enter- prise----------------_-- ------ . 943 Land, purchase of, reduction in appro- priation-----------_ _- --- -_ --- -_ 21 Relief, appropriation authorized------- 940 Naval Academy: Appropriation for ------------------ 384 Transfer of funds to-- ------- _---- 68 Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946, non- applicability to midshipmen ------ 749 Naval Academy-Continued Page Enlisted men of Navy or Marine Corps, limitation on assignment --------- 384 Midshipmen- Appointments--------------------- 100 Pay increase---------------------- 134 Mustering-out payments, certain per- sons discharged for physical disa- bility, appropriation available----- 552 Naval postgraduate school. See under Navy Department. Three-year courses of instruction, repeal of Act of June 3, 1941 ---------- 449 Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942, Amend- ment, lump-sum payment on release from active duty; payment to bene- ficiaries, etc ---------------------- 424 Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa., funds for_ 68, 385 Naval Observatory, funds for ----- 68, 391, 392 Naval Personnel, Bureau of. See under Navy Department. Naval Petroleum Reserves: Mineral Leasing Act, amendment, mon- ey received from sales, etc., of pub- lic lands under, disposition ------- 119 Operation, conservation, etc., appropri- ation for ----------------------- 383 Naval Records, World War, preparation of, appropriation for -------------- 392 Naval Research, Office of. See under Navy Department. Naval Reserve: Clothing and clothing allowance for enlisted men -------------------- 242 Lump-sum payment to certain officers on release from active duty; payment to beneficiaries, etc -------------- 424 Nurse Corps, establishment, etc------- 51 Officer candidate training program- Appropriation for -------- .- - - - - - - - 384 Correction of technical errors in pro- visions respecting ------------ __ 99 Naval Academy, appointments to -- 100 Officers on active duty, promotion, etc. See Officer Personnel Act of 1947. Officers' Training Corps- Appropriation for ---------------- 384 Reduction in appropriation ------ _ 79, 395 Transfers of funds from appropriation for-------------------------- 67 Philippines, certain citizens of, member- ship in Naval Reserve, amendment of Naval Reserve Act of 1938 ---- 90 Referee in bankruptcy, eligibility of members and retired members for appointment -------------------- 213 Transfers of members to Regular Navy, repeal of Act of January 15, 1942- 449 INDEX C