Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1115

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CXXXIV Senate-Continued rK4 Andrews, Charles O., appropriation for payment to widow of------------. 1 Appointments with consent of- Air Force- Assistant Secretaries of the------- 50O Chief of Staff--------------- .. 50: Secretary of the ---------------- . 502 Under Secretary of the----------- 502 Army- Chiefs and assistant chiefs of services---.-------------- 901, 902 General and lieutenant general, offi- cers in certain positions carry- ing rank of----------------- 887 Medical and dental officers ------ _ 777 Nurse Corps, commissioned officers. 42 Regular Army officers ---- 883, 884, 89C Temporary appointees in Army of U. S., repeal of Act of Sept. 22, 1941; effective date---------- 451 Temporary appointments, general officer grades------------- . 908 Women's Medical Specialist Corps, commissioned officers -------- 42 Central Intelligence Agency, Director 497 Chiefs of mission to countries receiv- ing assistance under Act respect- ing Greek-Turkish aid-------- _ 105 Coast Guard- Chief warrant officers, permanent - 411 Commissioned officers, permanent- 410 Commerce, Department of, addi- tional Assistant Secretary ------ 326 Coordinator of Federal Agencies in Puerto Rico------------------ 772 Defense, Secretary of-------------- 500 Federal Housing Commissioner ---- _ 954 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Director-------- _- - - - - 153 Home Loan Bank Board ------- _-- 954 Housing and Home Finance Adminis- trator ---------------------. 955 Marine Corps- Quartermaster General ---------- 236 Special commands, etc., designa- tion of officers for; retirement_ 876 Munitions Board, chairman ------ __ 505 National Labor Relations Board--.. 139 General Counsel ---------------- 139 National Security Resources Board, chairman----------. ----- - - . 499 Navy- Active-duty officers.


Chaplains ---- -_-----_----_ Limited duty assignments ....... Medical and dental officers------ Medical Service Corps officers .. Nurse Corps, eommisioned officers Staff officers, permanent-- ..----- 835 872 870 777 737 47 838 ^ ~ " INDEX Senate-Continued Page Appointments with consent of-Con. Public Housing Commissioner ----- _ 955 Relief assistance, field administrator for supervision of ------------- 127 Research and Development Board, chairman ----------. _--.----- 506 Selective Service Records, Office of, Director .-------------------- 31 War Assets Administrator, Associate_ 952 Army officers- Refusal of consent to appointment_ 893 Retirement grade, etc., discretion regarding -------------------- 888 Bailey, Josiah W., appropriation for pay- ment to widow of -------------- 15 Bilbo, Jessie Forrest, appropriation for payment to-- ----------------- 941 Bilbo, Theodore G., Jr., appropriation for payment to---- ------------ 941 Biographical Directory of the American Congress, compilation and prepara- tion of revised edition, appropria- tion for increased pay costs ------ . 26 Chaplain, appropriation for -------- - 362 Clerical assistance- Appropriation for--- ----------- _ 15, 362 Continuation of certain employees on rolls for specified period -------- 3 Salaries, certain, removal of limita- tion--------------. --- ------ -- 4 Committee employees- Appropriation for .. -- -- -- --- -- -- - 362 Continuation of certain positions and funds for specified period------- 3 Rates of compensation ------------ 5 Salaries of certain, removal of limita- tion----------------- _- -- -- -- 4 Consultant, availability of appropriation for employment of -------------- 15 Contingent expenses- Appropriation for----------------- 26, 27, 58, 106, 363, 611, 696 Salaries paid from appropriation, com- putation -------------------_ 364 Telephone wiring plans, special, pay- ment for installation from ap- propriation-----.- --- -- --- --- _ 58 DeMott, Henry V., appropriation for payment for services rendered spe- cial committee------------- ---- 15 Documents, public, storage of, appropri- ation for additional amount for rent of warehouse-------------------- 15 Expense allowance, appropriation for-- 361 Inquiries and investigations, appropria- tion for; limitation -------- 26, 106, 363 Investigating committee, special, non- applicability of designated provi- sions of law to counsel to -------- 129