Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1116

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CXXXV Senate-Continued Page Joint committees. See separate title. Mail transportation, appropriation for- 58 Majority, office of secretary of- Appropriation for -------------- 363, 610 Rates of compensation, increase in certain ------------------- - 610 Messenger service, appropriation for_ -- 362 Minority, office of secretary of- Appropriation for--------------- 363, 610 Rates of compensation, increase in certain---------------------- 610 Nomination, disapproval of, restriction on payment to person after------- 609 Pages- Appropriation for education of ---- 15, 369 Availability of educational facilities for certain other minors who are congressional employees -------- 16 Pay costs, increased, appropriations for_ 26,72 Postage stamps, air-mail and special- delivery, furnishing to Senators, appropriation for--------------- 364 President, appointment of Senate Office Building Commission ----------- 307 President pro tempore- Appointments by- Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Gov- ernment, four members ------- 247 Congressional Aviation Policy Board, Temporary, Senate members------------------- 677 National Capital Sesqui-Centen- nial Commission, three Sena- tors---------------------- 396 United States-Reading Bicentennial Commission, two members--- 769 Presidential succession-------------- 380 United States-Reading Bicentennial Commission, membership on---- 769 Reorganization, legislative, appropria- tion for------------------------ 363 Reporters, Official, of Debates, etc., ex- tension of Civil Service Retirement Act to------------------------- 135 Reporting proceedings, appropriation for------------------------- 26,363 Restaurants- Appropriation for ------------ 58, 364, 611 Special deposit account, payment of balance to Senate Committee on Rules and Administration------ 696 Salaries, officers and employees- Appropriation for -------- 26, 72, 106, 362 Appropriations available ----------- 4 Removal of limitations------------- 4 Salaries and mileage of Senators, appro- priation for ------------------ 361,941 cm. /--

H-U: 'r7 fA92 Secretary, umce o0, appropnrnawuiu-- - ,-- v Senate-Continued Page Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, Office of- Abolition of designated positions- _ - _ 362 Appropriation for - 15, 27, 58, 362, 610, 695 Pages, salary period; rates ---- _-- - 362 Priority in expenditure of appropria- tions ----------------------_ 58 Rates of compensation- Designated positions------------- 362 Increase in certain------------- 15, 610 Telephone operators, employment of additional, appropriation for------ 15 Telephone wiring plans, special, instal- lation in offices authorized ------- 58 Vice President, Office of, appropriation for------------------------- 362 Senate Office Building: Additional, preparation of preliminary plans and estimates; appropriation authorized-------------------- 307 Appropriation for----------------- 612 Maintenance, etc., appropriation for___ 16, 370 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for- 27 Police details for duty on Capitol grounds ----------------------- 377 Subway transportation, appropriation for- 370 Seneca Indians, N. Y., treaties with, ap- propriation for fulfilling------------ 468 Sequoia National Forest, Calif., acquisition of lands for, appropriation for------- 539 Sequoia National Park, appropriation for acquisition of lands -------------- 485 Servicemen, Housing for Distressed Fami- lies of: Increase in appropriation authorized - 128 Appropriation for -.- -- -...- .-- 515 Servicemen's Readjustment Act of June 22, 1944: Education and training of veterans, date of termination of war in interpreta- tion of provisions respecting ----- 454 Leases, authority of Administrator of Veterans' Affairs respecting, time extension ---------------------- 133 Loans- Date of termination of war in inter- pretation of provisions respect- ing-------------------------- Purchase by Reconstruction Finance Corporation, repeal of provisions respecting------------------- Unemployment, date of termination of war in interpretation of provisions respecting readjustment allowances- Sesame Seed, monthly statistics, collec- tion, publication, etc--------------- Sesqui-Centennial Commission, National Capital, establishment, composition, etc --------------------------- 454 209 454 457 396 INDEX