Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1136

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INDEX Veterans Administration-Continued Public relations work, limitations Employees, number of------------- Funds, use of----------- Readjustment allowances, date of termi- nation of war in interpretation of pro- vision of Act of June 22, 1944- _ _ - Readjustment benefits, appropriation for.............. Page 605 62 454 -- ----- - 62,605 Reduced-fare requests, funds available for....- - - - - -.. .- -- ... ........ . Reduction in designated appropriations- Rehabilitation, increase in minimum allowance payable in certain service- connected cases--- _ --- _------- Social Security Act, benefits in the case of deceased World War II veterans, date of termination of war in inter- pretation of provisions of Act of Aug. 10, 1946 --------- .. .. ... Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief, appro- priation for ---------


State or Territorial homes, aid to----- Subsistence allowance, increase in mini- mum payable in certain service- connected cases--------- ...--- Tobacco, purchase authorized -- .. ... Travel expenses, increase in limitation on ------- ___-__.-__-------..._ Vocational rehabilitation- Eligibility for, date of termination of war in interpretation of Act of March 24, 1943, and provisions of Act of June 22, 1944 --------- Reduction in appropriation--------- Revolving fund- Appropriation for ----- _-----___ Increase in authorization --_ _ ---. War Department, transfer of funds to-. Veterans' Affairs, Administrator of. See Veterans Administration. Veterans' Emergency Housing Act of 1946. See under Housing. Veterans of Foreign Wars, attendance of Marine Band at parade in Cleveland, Ohio, authorized ----------------- Veterans' Placement Service Board, appro- priation for------------------- Veterans' Preference Act of 1944, Amend. ment, discharge, etc., of preference eligibles, mandatory corrective action on recommendation of Civil Service Commission--------------------- Vice President of the United States: Compensation of, appropriation for --- Office of, appropriation for ---------- Victory Bible Camp Ground, Inc., purchase of land in Alaska----------------- Vigue, Louis, payment to Menominee Indian Mills to credit of account of-- 605 18 739 454 606 604 739 604 62 454 18 17, 62 180 605 632 262 723 362 362 90 455 Vigue, Paul, Jr, payment to Menominee Page Indian Mills to credit of account of- 455 Vigue, Paul, Sr., payment to Menominee Indian Mills to credit of account of-- 455 Village Delivery Service, appropriation for---------.---------------- 29,230 Virgin Islands: Agricultural station, appropriation for- 117, 491 Economic conditions, funds available for study of-------------------- 299 Farm Tenant Act, Bankhead-Jones, extension of provisions to--------- 493 Government in, appropriation for ----- 66, 117,491 Military forces other than National Guard, maintenance, etc., repeal of provisions of National Defense Act of June 3, 1916------------ .- - -. 449 Public works, appropriation for ------- 597 St. Croix, appropriation for municipal government-------------------- 66,491 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act, extension of provisions to ------------------

Sugar, regulation of commerce in. See Sugar Act of 1948. Topographic surveys, appropriation for- Virgin Islands Company, availability of funds, etc ------------------ Virginia: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, conveyance by Navy Department, authorized ---- ___-- Arlington County, right of assumption and control of certain lands by U.S., date of termination of emer- gency in interpretation of Act of Feb. 28, 1933 -------- ------ Arlington Farm, removal and reestab- lishment, reduction in appropria- tion -........................- Falls Church, delivery of water from D. C . water system


.- Mount Weather, transfer of U. S . Weather Bureau Station, etc., to Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior --------------- Washington National Airport, agree- ments for municipal services to; charges; appropriations authorized_ Virginia Electric and Power Company, con- veyance by Navy Department, au- thorized; transfer of equipment------ Virus Serum Toxin Act, funds for enforce- 494 477 581 13 452 20 181 483 95 14 ment ------------------------ 73,532 Vocational Education, appropriation for-- 30, 266,428 Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of. Se under Federal Security Agency. CLV