Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1137

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INDEX Vocational Rehabilitation, Veterans'. See under Veterans Administration. Voluntary Agreements, Stabilization of Economy, Etc. See Commodity Prices, Stabilization. W W. C. Austin Project, Okla., change of name of Lugert-Altus irrigation proj- ect to___________________________ Wage and Hour Division. See under Labor, Department of. Wage Stabilization Board, National, sal- aries and expenses, reduction in appro- priation__________________________ Walker, Minn., cooperation in extension, etc., of public-school facilities; appro- priation authorized -------. -- - __ __ Walnuts, orders regulating handling, terms and conditions ------------------- Walsh-Healey Act: Claims under, relief from certain---__ 81 Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947, applica- bility -------- ...- - - -- - -- - __-__ Definition for purposes of----_ __ _ __ Restriction on liability of employer in designated circumstances ------- __ 8 Statute of limitations-------------- .. War, Articles of: Amendment, Article 119, rank and pre- cedence among officers ---_ - __ _ . - Date of termination of war in interpre- tation of certain provisions of Act of June 4, 1920 -------------- 452, War, Secretary of. See War Department. "War, Termination of," construction of term for certain legislative provi- sions


War Assets Administration: Aircraft, transfer to Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, for replacement purposes -. . _---- Appropriation for --------------- _ 107, Associate War Assets Administrator, appointment, compensation, duties_ Educational facilities, provision to cer- tain educational institutions, date of termination of emergency in in- terpretation of provisions of Act of Aug. 8, 1946-.-.--------..--- _ Fort McIntosh, Laredo, Tex., transfer of certain property to U. S . Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, U. S. and Mexico- - Oath, affidavit, etc., administration, authority of employees ------ ____ Supplies and facilities for designated em- ployees, procurement------------ Page I War Assets Administration-Continued Page Surplus property transfers, etc. - Fish and Wildlife Service--- _- -- - -_ _ 489 Flood damage, etc., alleviation of - - 422 Geological Survey ---------------- 479 Mines, Bureau of ---------------- _ 483 Plants, equipment, etc., War or Navy Department ----------------- 775 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, waiver of reimbursement ------- 516 Selective Service System, approval requirement -- _--------___--- - 31 Synthetic-rubber plants and facilities, limitation on disposal ----------- _ 25 Exceptions ----- _---------__

_ 26 Transfer of functions to Surplus Property Administration; redesignation of latter as War Assets Administration 952 War Assistance, Civilian: Appropriation for continuing --------- 275 Reduction in appropriation ----------_ 19 War Benefits Program, Civilian: Appropriation for continuing---------- 616 Reduction in appropriation ---------- _ 19 War Claims Act of 1928, Settlement of, German special deposit account, de- posit of certain funds in; change in order of priority for payment from_ 789 War College, National: Appropriation for ------------------- 552 Rescission ------___ _ ____ _----- --_ 572 War College, Naval, funds for------- 67, 383 War Contracts. See Contracts With United States, Etc. War Contracts Price Adjustment Board: Claims against United States, prosecu- tion of, nonapplicability of desig- nated provisions of law to service of certain Government employees as counsel, etc -------------------- 133 Renegotiation Act, refunds under, de- termination of interest; certification of amount to Treasury ---..--- 623, 624 War Council. See under National Security Act of 1947. War Damage Commission, Philippine, appropriation for; restriction on cer- tain payments-------------------- 601 War Damage Corporation: Payment to Treasury of United States_ 579 Supplying of funds by Reconstruction Finance Corporation, etc., repeal of provisions------------- _- -_ - -- _ 209 War Department. See also Army; Nation- al Security Act of 1947. Adjutant General's Office- Appropriation for ---------------- _ 568 Appropriation rescissions--------- 572, 573 CLVI