Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1141

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War Department-Continued Page Military posts, construction of build- ings, utilities, and appurtenances, reduction in appropriation------ 22, 625 Military supplies, date of termination of state of war in interpretation of Act of June 3, 1916, respecting purchase or procurement in time of war _- - 452 Missing Persons Act, extension of bene- fits to certain members of organized military forces of Philippines; re- consideration of claims--------- 455, 456 Mount, no additional pay to officer own- ing--------------------------- 553 Natchez, Miss., National Cemetery, conveyance on completion of re- pairs to approach road ----------- 687 National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice, appropriation for-------- 567 National Guard. See separate title. National Security Council, transfer of funds and equipment to; limita- tion ------------------------ 703, 704 National Security Resources Board, transfer of funds and equipment to; limitation---------------- - 703,704 National War College- Appropriation for --- .---- ------ --- 552 Appropriation rescission------------ 572 Naval Establishment, reimbursement for pay, allowances, etc., of naval dental officers detailed to Military Establishment ----------------- 553 Naval postgraduate school, share of cost of instruction of Army officers at --------------------------- 706 Navigation and vessel inspection laws, vessels operated by War Depart- ment, suspension on request of Sec- retary; time limitation -------- 3 Occupied areas, funds for government, relief, etc ------------ 71, 569, 625, 94: Officers, promotion, separation, etc. See Officer Personnel Act of 1947. Olympic games, participation of Army personnel authorized; expenses---- 24; Ordnance, condemned or obsolete, provi- sion for loan or gift to State homes for former members of armed forces- 70' Ordnance Department- Appropriation for-------------- 562, 561 Rescission ---------------------- 57 Transfer of funds from----------- 7: Chief of Ordnance, Office of- Appropriation for-------------- 56& Appropriation rescission---------- 574 Contract authority---------------- 56: Rock Island Bridge, Rock Island, Ill., annronriation for maintenance-- 56: Tar Department---Continued Page Ordnance Department-Continued Scrap or salvage material, sale, use of proceeds; report to Congress---- 562 Organized Reserves. See separate title. Overthrow of U. S. Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating -------------------- 571, 693 Painting, etc., of war scenes or portraits, restriction on payment for-------- 556 Panama Canal- Civil government, appropriation for- 118 Construction of additional facilities; appropriation for-------------- 692 Maintenance, etc., appropriation for- 691 Sanitation, appropriation for------ 114, 692 Transfer of funds to------------- 76 Seacoast defenses, reduction in appro- priation --------------------- 23 Surplus property, transfer to, author- ized --------------------- 243, 694 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for- 118 Penalty mail, exemptions from certain re- quirements, etc., repeal of provision of Act of June 28, 1944 --------- 450 Per diem allowances, funds for ------- 569 Personal services in District of Colum- bia, increase in limitation on amount for; nonapplicability in certain cases--------------------------- 70 Personnel, additional, limitation on em- ployment ---------------------- 569 Personnel ceilings, nonapplicability in certain cases---------- 71, 126, 188, 572 Philippine Islands, buildings for U. S . representatives, reduction in appro- priation ----------------------- 22 Plantations outside continental U. S ., management and operation ------ 234 Plants, equipment, etc. - Appropriation authorized for effecting provisions relating to---------- 776 Disposition of, imposition of terms for assurance of continued availabil- ity for war-production purposes, authority-------------------- 775 Title of Reconstruction Finance Cor- poration, Defense Plant Corpora- tion, or War Assets Administra- tion to certain, transfer------ 774, 775 Port Newark Army Base, N. J., right of assumption and control by U. S ., date of termination of war, etc., in interpretation of Act of June 20, 1936--------------------------_ 452 Post exchanges, limitation on use of funds for ---------------------- 569 Printing and binding, appropriation for- 569 INDEX CLX i -rr- -r---------