Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1142

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INDEX War Department-Continued Page Priority powers, termination dates---- 34, 214, 322 Prisoners of war, funds for maintenance, etc --------------------------- 572 Professional and scientific service, estab- lishment of positions in; compensa- tion; appointment; report to Con- gress -------------------------- 715 Property, acquisition and disposition for war purposes, termination date of powers--------------- - 34, 214, 322 Public moneys- Advances of, nonapplicability of re- strictions on------------------ 571 Receipts, use of ------------------ 553 Publications, restriction on pay of Army personnel connected with certain- _ 553 Quartermaster Corps- Appropriation for--- ------------- 71, 118, 555, 568, 686, 687, 702, 703 Rescissions -------------------- 573 Transfer of funds from----------- 71, Cemeterial expenses- Funds for----------- 71,118, 686, 687 Nonapplicability of personnel ceil- ings --------------------- 71 Quartermaster General, Office of- Appropriation for--------------- 568 Appropriation rescission---------- 574 Remount Service, appropriation for; transfer of funds in event of transfer of Service ---------- 702, 703 Quarters, limitation on construction costs-------------------------- 571 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, transfer of title of certain plants, equipment, etc------------------ 774 Reduction in designated appropriations- 18 22, 572, 62i Relief assistance to countries devastated by war, nonapplicability of person- nel ceilings to civilian employees required in connection with------ 121 Remains of certain persons buried out- side United States- Appropriations authorized for effect- ing provisions relating to------- 78' Cemeteries, temporary construction and maintenance, authority----- 78( Evacuation and return ------------- 77 Appropriations for------------- 71, 68 Land in foreign countries, acquisition- 78 Permanent interment outside U. S--- 77 Rental of Government facilities, money allowances for personnel---------- 57 Repeals of certain emergency and war ... --. Ai Var Department-Continued Reports to Congress- Leases, certain ------------------ Professional and scientific service, establishment of positions, ap- pointments in, etc------------- Rivers and harbors and flood control, employment of additional person- nel ----------------------- Scrap or salvage, sale, receipts and dis- bursements----------------- Reserve officers on active duty, funds available for pay and allowances-- Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Army. See separate title. Retired officers selling supplies to Army or War Department, restriction--- Page 774 715 688 562 569 553 Salaries- Appropriation for ---------------- 568 Appropriation rescissions----------- 573 Personal services in District of Colum- bia, increase in limitation on amounts for; nonapplicability in certain cases----------------- 70 Schooling, dependents of personnel re- siding on military reservations, funds for; limitation _-- --- --- --- 569 Schools, special service, appropriation rescissions--------------------- 573 Seacoast defenses, appropriation rescis- sions------------------------- 23,573 Secretary- Office of- Appropriation for-- 70, 551 , 568 , 569, 624 Appropriation rescission---- 572, 573, 574 Presidential succession ---------- 380, 509 Signal Corps- Alaska Communication System, ap- propriation for-------------- 118, 687 Appropriation for ------- 118, 558, 568, 687 Rescission--------------------- 573 Chief Signal Officer, Office of- Appropriation for- ------------- 568 Appropriation rescission---------- 574 Contract authority -------------- 559 Soldiers' Home- Appropriation for--------------- 71, 691 Transfer of surplus property to, au- thorized--------------

691 Spruce Production Corporation, U. S., increase in limitation on administra- tive expenses------------------- 625 Stabling rental, limitation------------ 562 Storage facilities for military use, re- moval of merchandise in customs custody, repeal of Act of Sept. 29, 1942------------------------- 449 95347-48 -pt. 1- - -71 CLXI youWe.- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- -- -xo