Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1145

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CLXIV Wheat: Page Acreage allotment, date of termination of state of war, etc., in interpreta- tion of Act of Feb. 28, 1945 ---- . 451 Crop insurance, provisions respecting_ 550, 718 Foreign aid program, limitation on acquisition of wheat, wheat flour, and cereal grain--- _________-_ 938, 942 Wheat Advisory Committee, International, appropriation for share of expenses__ 527 Whisky. See Distilled Spirits, Etc. White, Frank, credit in accounts ----___ - 729 White House Office, appropriation for; detail of Government employees to__ 585 White House Police: Benefit payments to, appropriation for reimbursement to District of Co- lumbia for -------------- 76, 187, 222 Composition; appointments, etc --- . __ 132 Funds for.--------------- _----- _ 76, 222 Policemen and firemen's relief fund, D. C., credit for service in armed forces in determination of eligibil- ity for and amount of benefits----- 398 White Pine Blister Rust Control, appro- priation for: -__ ___ ___ ___________- 537 Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, ap- propriation for maintenance of long- horned cattle -------------------- _ 488 Wildlife. See Fish and Wildlife Service under Interior, Department of the. Wind River Reservation, Wyo.: Irrigation projects, appropriation for___ 467 Shoshone and Arapaho Tribes, segrega- tion and expenditure of trust funds- 102 Wines, Tax on: Exportation, drawback ...... -- -- -- - . 319 Manufacture ----------------- _----- 320 Production with sugar-water solution, fermentation -------------------- 320 War tax rates of certain miscellaneous taxes, continuance--------------- 12 Wisconsin: Indians- Industrial assistance, appropriation for ------------. . ........... Menominee Agency, appropriation for support __ .. _- -- _______-- Potawatomie, Wisconsin Band, sup- port, reduction in appropriation- Support, etc., appropriation for -- .. Withholding Tax. See Employment taxes under Taxes. Witnesses: Arbitrators, witnesses before; fees; com- pelling attendance - -___________ Conciliation of certain labor disputes, inquiries, etc., provisions respecting. 470 116 21 469 672 155 Witnesses-Continued Page Fees, appropriation for ------------ 186, 290 Transfer of funds from ------------ 117 National Labor Relations Board, wit- nesses before, fees and mileage-_ _ - 151 Per diem restriction -------- ________- 294 Women's Army Corps and Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, establishment, repeal of Acts of July 1, 1943, and May 14, 1942; effective date --------------- 451 Women's Bureau. See under Labor, De- partment of. Women's Medical Specialist Corps, Army. See under Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947. Woods, W. O., credit in accounts----_ _ _ 729 Woodward, Okla., appropriation for repair of tornado damage at --------- _ 533, 534 Wool, price support by Commodity Credit Corporation; disposition of wool owned by Corporation ------------ 769 Wool Products Labeling Act, appropria- tion for enforcement--------_ __ ___ _ 592 Worden, Dominic, Estate of, payment to Menominee Indian Mills to credit of account of_----------____ --- --- - 455 World Jamboree of Boy Scouts. See Boy Scouts, World Jamboree. World War Naval Records, preparation of, appropriation for_ _______-------_ 392 World War Veterans. See Veterans. World War Veterans' Act, 1924: Amendments, five-year level-premium term insurance policies, renewal__ 39 Extension of certain provisions to allied nations, date of termination of war in interpretation of Act of July 11, 1946 -------------------------- 454 Philippines, offices of Veterans' Admin- istration in after independence, con- tinuance and establishment author- ized; time limitation . .. __------_ 132 Wyoming: Irrigation projects, appropriation for- _- 467 Kendrick project, appropriation for__ 116, 475 North Platte project- Appropriation for -------------- 116,474 Reduction of certain accrued interest charges payable by Farmers' Ir- rigation District; operation, etc., of drain diversion works ----- __ 101 Riverton project, appropriation for - 116, 475 Shoshone project, appropriation for con- struction -------------------- 474,475 Wind River Reservation- Irrigation projects, appropriation for_ 467 Shoshone and Arapaho Tribes, segre- gation and expenditure of trust funds---------------. - --- -- -- 102 INDEX