Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/138

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 82-MAY 26, 1947 60 Stat. 164 . 60 Stat. 35, 203, 216, 480, 716, 717, 749, 752. 39 U.S. C. §§856a, 862a, 862b, 867a, 877, 878:5 U. S. C.§§645a, 645b, 672b -673 , 902 et seq.;28U.S.C.f§5, 213, 241, 296, 301, 324 , 597-597c. Ante, p. 40; post, p. 727. 60 Stat. 402 . Ante, p . 27. 60 Stat. 62 . 60 Stat. 64 . 60 Stat. 64 . 60 Stat. 72 . 60 Stat. 698. 60 Stat. 74 . 60 Stat.499. 60 Stat. 500 . WAR DEPARTMENT CIVIL FUNCTIONS THE PANAMA CANAL Sanitation, Canal Zone, Panama Canal: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947 for "Sanitation, Canal Zone, Panama Canal", $450,000, to remain available until expended. TITLE II-INCREASED PAY COSTS For additional amounts for appropriations for the fiscal year 1947, to meet increased pay costs authorized by the Acts of March 6, 1946 (Public Law 317); May 21, 1946 (Public Law 386); May 24, 1946 (Public Law 390); July 5, 1946 (Public Law 491); July 31, 1946 (Public Laws 567, 568, and 577); and August 1, 1946 (Public Law 582); and other legislation enacted during or applicable to said fiscal year authorizing increases in pay of Government officers and employees, as follows: LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Library of Congress: "Salaries, Library, proper", $245,900, and $36,100 to be derived by transfer from the appropriation "printing catalog cards, 1947." Copyright Office: "Salaries", $65,000. Legislative Reference Service: "Salaries", $50,000. Distribution of printed cards: "Salaries and expenses", $29,700. Index to State legislation: "Salaries and expenses", $8,500. Union catalogs: "Salaries and expenses", $11,800. Library building: "Salaries", $57,700. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Office of Government Reports, $49,500. INDEPENDENT OFFICES Civil Service Commission: "Salaries and expenses", $1,000,000. Federal Communications Commission: "Salaries and expenses", $651,900. Federal Power Commission: "Salaries and expenses", $330,000; "Flood control surveys", $24,000. National Archives: "Salaries and expenses", $148,600. National Labor Relations Board: "Salaries", $384,000 and $20,000 to be derived by transfer from "Miscellaneous expenses, 1947" and $8,000 to be derived by transfer from "Penalty mail, 1947." Tariff Commission: "Salaries and expenses", $124,000. United States Maritime Commission: "Construction fund" (increase of $1,800,000 in the limitation upon the amount of this fund which may be used for personal services); "Maritime Training" (increase of $40,000 in the limitation upon the amount of this fund which may be used for adminis- trative expenses). [61 STAT.