Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/139

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61 STAT.] SOTr CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 82-MAY 26, 1947 FEDERAL LOAN AGENCY Reconstruction Finance Corporation: "Administrative expenses" 60 tat. 58. (increase of $3,570,000 in the limitation upon the amount of the corporate funds which may be used for administrative expenses). FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY Office of the Administrator: "Salaries and expenses", $33,800, to be 0Stat. 65 . derived by transfer from "Public Works Administration liquidation, 1947". Bureau of Community Facilities: "War public works (community facilities) liquidation" 60 Stat. 264 . (increase of $100,000 in authorization to expend unobligated balances). NATIONAL HOUSING AGENCY

60 Stat. SS 9. Federal Home Loan Bank Administration: "Salaries and expenses" (increase of $140,000 in the limitation upon the amount of the cor- porate or other funds which may be used for administrative expenses). Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation: "Administrative expenses" (increase of $18,000 in the limitation upon the amount of the corporate funds which may be used for administrative expenses). Federal Public Housing Authority: "Salaries and expenses" (increase of $1,900,000 in the limitation upon the amount of the corporate or other funds which may be used for administrative expenses). Defense Homes Corporation: "Administrative expenses" (increase of $8,000 in the limitation upon the amount of the corporate funds which may be used for administrative expenses). DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Office of the Secretary: 60 Stat. 348. "Salaries", $174,000; "War agency liquidation", $15,000; "Office of Solicitor", $36,200; "Division of Territories and Island Possessions", $21,600; "Oil and Gas Division", $25,000; "Soil and moisture conservation operations", $97,000; "Commission of Fine Arts", $910; so Stat. 3. Bureau of Land Management: 60 Stat. 1100. "Salaries and expenses (Grazing Service)" $38,900; 60 Stat. 351. "Salaries and expenses (General Land Office) ", $134,700; 60 8tat. 32 . "Surveying public lands (General Land Office)", $43,300; "Salaries and expenses, branch of field examination (General Land Office)", $34,600; "Salaries and expenses of district land offices (General Land Office)", $26,000; 60t. "Revested Oregon and California Railroad and reconveyed 6tat3 Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, Oregon (reimbursable) (General Land Office) ", $27,800; "Range improvements on public lands outside of grazing districts (receipt limitation) (General Land Office)", $2,000; Protection and management of the timber resources of the public domain (General Land Office)", $22,100; 0stat. Bureau of Indian Affairs: "Salaries and expenses", $132,700; "Salaries and expenses, district offices", $35,000; "Salaries and expenses, reservation administration", $411,700; "Alaska native service", $200,000; "Education of Indians", $889,700; P p621. 115