Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/14

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 179 --- D. C. Code, amendment. AN ACT To make it unlawful in the District of Columbia to corruptly influence participants or officials in contests of skill, speed, strength, or endurance, and to provide a penalty therefor ----- ______ ________ ________ _ 180 _-- Reception of officials visiting D. C. AN ACT To authorize funds for ceremonies in the District of Columbia --_ -- _ __-___._- 181 --- Navy personnel, reimbursement. AN ACT To reimburse certain Navy personnel and former Navy personnel for money stolen or obtained through false pretenses from them while they were on duty at the United States naval training station, Farragut, Idaho-------------------------- -..--------- 182 --- Owyhee, Nev. , s chools. AN ACT To provide for the construction, extension, and improvement of public-school buildings in Owyhee, Nevada

183 --- Kenduskeag Stream, Maine. AN ACT Declaring Kenduskeag Stream, Penobscot County, Maine, to be a nonnavigable water- way ---------........ ____________________ . -- - 184 - - Oil and gas conservation, compact. JOINT RESOLUTION Con- senting to an interstate oil compact to conserve oil and gas- __ 185 ___ Internal Revenue Code, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 3179 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code -. ________.__ .. - -_ 186 ___ Internal Revenue Code, amendments. AN ACT To amend sec- tions 2801 (e) (4), 3043 (a), 3044 (b), and 3045 of the Internal Revenue Code -- _ _ __ ___ _-- -- -- - --- --- -- - 187 --- Internal Revenue Code, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 2801 (e) of the Internal Revenue Code --------- ___ 188 --- Second Decontrol Act of 1947. AN ACT To extend certain powers of the President under title III of the Second War Powers Act and the Export Control Act, and for other pur- poses -- __ --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- - 189 -_- Railroad corporations, acquisition of property. AN ACT To allow to a successor railroad corporation the benefits of certain carry-overs of a predecessor corporation for the purposes of certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code-_ __ __ __ __ _ _ 190 --- Hawaii, public improvement bonds. AN ACT To authorize the issuance of certain public-improvement bonds by the Territory of Hawaii ----------------------- .------ ________ . 191 -__ Department of Commerce, additionalassistantSecretary. AN ACT To provide for the appointment of one additional Assistant Secretary of Commerce, and for other purposes-- ____ ______ - 192 -__ Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, con- veyance. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to sell certain property occupied by the Weather Bureau at East Lansing, Michigan, and to obtain other quarters for the said Bureau in the State of Michigan------------- 193 --- Post Roads Act, 1866, repeal. AN ACT To repeal the Post Roads Act of 1866, as amended, and for other purposes -- 194 ___ Andrew W. Mellon, memorial in D. C. JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the erection in the District of Columbia of a memorial to Andrew W. Mellon ------------- . - -- - . - _____ 195 -__ District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1947. AN ACT To provide revenue for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes- - 196 -- Temporary appropriations,1948. JOINT RESOLUTION Mak- ing temporary appropriations for the fiscal year 1948------- 197 ___ Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1948. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, and for other purposes ------------.- 198 -- _ Parole of prisoners, D. C . AN ACT To reorganize the system of parole of prisoners convicted in the District of Columbia- _ 199 - - Presidentialsuccession. AN ACT To provide for the performance of the duties of the office of President in case of the removal, resignation, death, or inability both of the President and Vice President -------------------------.-. -------- _______._ 200 --- Hawaii,sewer bonds. AN ACT To enable the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii to authorize the city and county of Hono- lulu, a municipal corporation, to issue sewer bonds --------- 201 -_ Municipalcourt, D. C., transcriptfees for reporters. AN ACT To authorize the official reporters of the municipal court for the District of Columbia to collect fees for transcripts, and for other purposes -------. --- --- ---- --- ---- --- -- _ 202 -__ Navy Department Appropriation Act, 1948. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Navy Department and the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, and for other purposes- Date July 11, 1947__ - July 11, 1947__ July 11, 1947___ July 11, 1947___ July 11, 1947__ July 12, 1947- __ July 14, 1947__- July 14, 1947- _- July 14, 1947__- July 15, 1947- _- July 15, 1947-- July 15, 1947- _- July 15, 1947- _- July 16,1947__ July 16, 1947-_ - July 16, 1947___ July 16, 1947_- July 17, 1947___ July 17, 1947__ - July 17, 1947-- July 18, 1947-- July 18, 1947-- July 18, 1947- _ XV Page 313 314 315 315 316 316 319 320 320 321 324 326 326 327 327 327 328 361 361 378 380 381 381 July 18, 1947--- 382