Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/33

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 10, 11 -MAR . 7 1947 owner thereof and to develop privately owned wells within or adja- cent to the project areas, together with rights of way necessary to the operation of such wells: Provided, That the cost of the wells, exclu- sively for use as part of the common stored and pumped water supply of said project, equipment, and pumping works herein authorized to be constructed or acquired shall not exceed the sum of $380,000 and, within that limit, such cost shall be deemed a project charge to be distributed equally per acre over both the Indian lands and the lands in public and private ownership within the San Carlos irrigation project, and shall be repayable to the United States in accordance with existing law: Providedfurther, That the Secretary shall, at the earliest practicable date, enter into an agreement with the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District, which agreement shall describe the scope and extent of the work to be done by the district, the plans and specifications therefor, and such other provisions, in conformity here- with, as may be agreed upon between the Secretary and the district: Providedfurther, That the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage Dis- trict shall be reimbursed for costs expended by it in the construction and acquisition of such wells, equipment, and pumping works; and the Secretary is hereby authorized to make such reimbursement: First, by releasing the district from the payment of construction charges due the United States annually by the district under the repayment contract executed pursuant to said Act of June 7, 1924, as amended, as such charges become due and payable, until the amount of the payments so released shall equal the total amount of the funds certi- fied under oath by the district as having been expended by it for the construction and acquisition of wells and equipment under the terms of the agreement provided for herein, the first of such annual pay- ments so to be released by the Secretary being that due from the district on December 1, 1947; or second, by paying to the district the full amount of the funds so certified as expended by it in the work authorized to be done, or any balance thereof not otherwise paid as hereinabove provided, out of appropriations hereafter made by Con- gress for this purpose; and there is hereby authorized to be appro- priated, out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $380,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the purposes of this joint resolution. Approved March 7, 1947. [CHAPTER 11] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to convey to the city of Los Angeles, California, an easement for construction and operation of a storm drain in and under certain Government-owned lands situated in that city. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he hereby is, authorized to convey to the city of Los Angeles, California, under such terms and conditions as he may consider appropriate, a perpetual easement for the construction, reconstruction, inspection, maintenance, operation, and repair of a storm drain in, under, and along a part of a plot of approximately fifteen and six-tenths acres of land located in the city of Los Angeles, California, and acquired by the United States through condemnation proceeding numbered 2044-BH, Civil, in the District Court of the United States for the Central Division of the Southern District of California, metes and bounds description of which is on file in the Navy Department. Approved March 7, 1947. 9 Cost limitation. Repayment of proj- ect charge to U. S. Agreement. Reimbursement. 43 Stat. 475. Appropriation au- thorized. March 7, 1947 [S. 235] [Public Law 11] Los Angeles, Calif. Conveyance.