Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/34

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 12, 1--MAR. 7,1947 [CHAPTER 12] March 7, 1947 [H. J. Res. 122] [Public Law 12] U. S . Maritime Commission. Water transporta- tion service for Alas- ka. Availability to oper- ators of Government- owned vessels. Allocation of re- ceipts. Reports to Con- gress. March 7, 1947 [S. 234] [Public Law 13] Central of Georgia Railway Co. Conveyance. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the United States Maritime Commission to make provision for certain ocean transportation service to and from Alaska until July 1, 1948, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in order to provide essential water transportation service for the Territory of Alaska pending the determination of long-range policy with respect to such transportation, the United States Maritime Commission is authorized to enter into appropriate contracts, charters, and other arrangements with American citizens operating American flag-line vessels deemed by the Commission to be qualified to supply such service until July 1, 1948. Such contracts or arrangements shall include provisions for making available to such operators Government-owned vessels under the control or jurisdiction of the United States Maritime Commission for operation during the period ending June 30, 1948. Such provi- sions may include charter hire at a nominal rate or rates, with neces- sary marine insurance to be provided by the Commission as to ships made available by the Commission and other ships operated by such operators in the Alaska service under the contracts or arrangements with the Commission. Such provisions may likewise include require- ments that the operators shall agree to operate such ships in a manner as determined by the Commission to secure the most economical trans- portation for the Alaska service. The contracts or other arrange- ments shall include appropriate provisions for allocation of receipts from the operations of such ships. Such contracts or arrangements shall include, among such other requirements as the Commission may deem appropriate, provision for the application of such receipts to meet the operating costs and overhead expenses of the operator as approved by the Commission and an amount equal to the charter hire paid by the Commission for the use of the existing privately owned vessels, and in the case of vessels acquired subsequent to the enactment of this Act an amount equivalent to 15 per centum per annum of the purchase price of said vessel plus capitalized betterments, and amounts in excess thereof to become the property of the operators in amounts not in excess of 10 per centum (before taxes) on the value of the assets (other than vessels) contributed to the venture by the operator as determined by the Commission for the purposes hereof and not other- wise. Any amount in excess of such 10 per centum shall be applied first to meet the insurance expenses of the Commission, and any bal- ance shall be applied or distributed as may be provided by the terms of the contracts or arrangements, but in no event shall the Commis- sion receive less than 75 per centum of such balance, as additional charter hire. SEC. 2 . The Commission shall report to the Congress at intervals of not greater than ninety days all contracts, charters. and other arrangements entered into pursuant to this Act and the details and course of all operations which have been conducted thereunder. Approved March 7, 1947. [CHAPTER 13] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to convey to the Central of Georgia Railway Company an easement for railway purposes in certain Government- owned lands situated in Bibb County, Georgia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he hereby is, authorized to convey to the Central 10 [61 STAT.