Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/353

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61 STAT.] (S0rHCONG. , 1S T SESS.-CH. 258 -JULY 16, 1947 329 TITLE IV-ACCOUNTING PERIODS, INSTALLMENT SALES, AND INVENTORIES Post, p . 339. Sec. 1. Accounting periods. Sec. 2. Period in which items of gross income included. Sec. 3. Period for which deductions and credits taken. Sec. 4 . Installment sales. Sec. 5 . Inventories. Sec. 6 . Assessor may reject method of accounting employed by taxpayer. TITLE V-RETURNS Poat, p. 340 . Sec. 1 . (a) Forms of returns. (b) Taxpayer to make return whether form sent or not. (c) Information returns. Sec. 2 . Requirement-who must file. (a) Residents and nonresidents. (b) Fiduciaries. (c) Joint fiduciaries. (d) In case of taxpayer unable to make own return. (e) Corporations. (f) Unincorporated businesses. (g) Partnerships. Sec. 3 . (a) Time and place for filing returns. (b) Extension of time for filing returns. Sec. 4. (a) Secrecy of returns. (b) Reciprocal exchange of information with the United States and the several States. (c) Publication of statistics. (d) Information which may be disclosed. (e) Penalties for violation of secrecy-of-returns provision. (f) Preservation of returns. TITLE VI-TAX ON RESIDENTS AND NONRESIDENTS Pot, p . 343- Sec. 1 . Definitions. Sec. 2 Personal exemptions and credit for dependents. Sec. 3 . Imposition and rates Sec. 4 . Optional method of computation. Sec. 5 . Credits against tax allowed residents. TITLE VII-TAX ON CORPORATIONS Post, p. 345 - Sec. 1 . "Taxable income" defined. Sec. 2 . Imposition and rate of tax. TITLE VIII-TAX ON UNINCORPORATED lIUSINES:S P ost ' . 1' 4. Sec. 1 . Definition of "unincorporated businesses". Sec. 2 . "Taxable income" defined. Sec. 3 . Imposition and rate of tax. Sec. 4 . Exemption. Sec. 5 . By whom taxes payable. Sec. 6 . Partners only taxable. TITLE IX-TAX ON ESTATES AND TRUsTs Pst, p. 346. Sec. 1 . Resident and nonresident estates and trusts defined. Sec. 2 . Residence or situs of fiduciary not to control. Sec. 3 . Imposition of tax. Sec. 4 . Computation of tax. Sec. 5. Computation of net income of estates or trusts. Sec. 6. In case taxable year of beneficiary is different from that of estate or trust Sec. 7 . Revocable trusts. Sec. 8 . Income for benefit of grantor. Sec. 9 . Definition of "in discretion of grantor". Sec. 10. Employees' trusts. TITLE X-PURPOSE OF ACT AND ALOCATION AND APPORTIOSNMENT Pst, p. 349 - Sec. 1. Purpose of article. Sec. 2. Allocation and apportionment. Sec. 3. Allocation of income and deductions between organizations. etc.