Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/4

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS CONTAINED IN THIS VOLUME THE EIGHTIETH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES FIRST SESSION, 1947 Public Law 1 --- Officers and employees, Senate and House of Representatives. JOINT RESOLUTION Relating to officers and employees of the Senate and House of Representatives -____ 2 --- InternalRevenue Code, amendment. JOINT RESOLUTION Ex- tending for fifteen months the period of time during which al- cohol plants are permitted to produce sugars or sirups simul- taneously with the production of alcohol ---------- 3 --- Certain Senate employees, salaries. JOINT RESOLUTION Re- lating to the salaries of certain Senate employees -- -__ 4 --_ Standing committees of the Senate, clerical staffs. JOINT RESO- LUTION Providing for a more effective staff organization for standing committees of the Senate______________________ 5 ___ National Service Life Insurance Act, 1940, amendments. AN ACT To amend the National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940, as amended - ____ _______ __- _____ _____. ___ ___ 6 --- U . S . Maritime Commission, carrier service. JOINT RESOLU- TION To continue the authority of the Maritime Commission to operate vessels until July 1, 1947-_____________-- - - - 7 --- Internal Revenue Code, amendments. JOINT RESOLUTION Granting, in the case of income, estate, and gift taxes, deduc- tions for contributions to the United Nations--- __ ___ __ __ _- 8 -_- Foot-and-mouth disease and rinderpest. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to cooperate with the Govern- ment of Mexico in the control and eradication of foot-and- mouth disease and rinderpest --------. __ -_____ _-- _-__- -- _ 9 -- PhiladelphiaNational Shrines Park Commission, report. JOINT RESOLUTION To amend the Act of August 9, 1946 (Public Law 711, Seventy-ninth Congress), for the purpose of allow- ing the Philadelphia National Shrines Park Commission ad- ditional time in which to prepare and to submit its report to the Congress--------- -- - 10 _-- San Carlos irrigation project, Ariz. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District, Arizona, to drill, equip, and acquire wells for use on the San Carlos irrigation project -- ..- - - -- -___.____-_________- 11 ___ Los Angeles, Calif. conveyance. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to convey to the city of Los Angeles, California, an easement for construction and operation of a storm drain in and under certain Government-owned lands situated in that city----- __ __ __________________________ 12 _-- U. S. Maritime Commission, water transportation service for Alaska. JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the United States Maritime Commission to make provision for certain ocean transportation service to and from Alaska until July 1, 1948, and for other purposes ----------------- ___________ 13 --__ Central of Georgia Railway Company, conveyance. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to convey to the Central of Georgia Railway Company an easement for railway pur- poses in certain Government-owned lands situated in Bibb County, Georgia ----------------------------------- _ 14 -__ Switzerland, claims. AN ACT To authorize the payment of $425.88 by the United States to the Government of Switzer- land---------------------------------------------- 15 _-- Federal Firearms Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Federal Firearms Act ---------------------- _-----______ Page 3 4 4 Date Jan. 31, 1947___ Feb. 1, 1947__ - Feb. 19, 1947__- Feb. 19, 1947-- Feb. 21, 1947___ Feb. 26, 1947___ Feb. 26, 1947__ - Feb. 28, 1947-_ - Mar. 7,1947-_ - Mar. 7 ,1947-_ - Mar. 7, 1947__ - Mar. 7,1947___ Mar. 7 ,1947-_ - Mar. 10, 1947___ Mar. 10, 1947___ v 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 ii 11